Dynamic ambient lighting

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Dynamic ambient lighting

Post by Dirtbiker »

I was wondering, if there is a dynamic infinate light in irrlicht. A light that lights all geometry from the same direction dynamicaly. I've seen lightmaps in irrlicht but I'd need dynamic lighting. Say I have asteroids in space and they are orbiting a planet. But, is there a dynamic infinate light command in irrlicht, or does anyone know of a way to have an infinite light?

Thx in advance
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Post by Spintz »

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Post by Dirtbiker »

I did'nt see it in the API. Is that for Irrlicht-Spintz, or irrlicht 0.13.0?

I've already started using 0.13.0.
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Post by afecelis »

when did 0.13 come out?

darn have I been lost!
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Post by WToma »

Don't worry. Niko have just will release it next week in the conference about time-travelling :D
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Post by Dirtbiker »

so there is a directional light (not point light or spot light)?

Post by Guest »

no directional light in IRR at the moment. Point and (uselessly expensive - spotlight) are all. Point can do a lot but Directional is cheap and really required (and easy to put in in DX at least, I don't know OGL ;) )
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Post by Spintz »

Irrlicht-Spintz has Directional, Point and Spotlight support for OpenGL and DirectX

Post by Guest »

Yeah your engine enhancements are looking sweet (specifically the particle stuff) however I have a LOT of custom stuff now in my own custom build of irrlicht so can not just "swap" to gain that extra goodness. Is it easy to identify from your source code just the particle stuff (and other bits of interest) and put them into a custom build of irrlicht along with my own "enhancements/fixes/hacks"?

Also to niko > when you release a new version of Irrlicht is it ever going to be possible to somehow FLAG all the source changes between versions so I can just copy the relevent parts over to my custom source without having to start from scratch on the new source?

e.g I have ripped out software renderer, linux, all gui stuff (use custom one more for games than the windows style app thing going on), shaders and advanced stuff (because I am using it for low target system shareware games) and have added windows code for handling of titlebar pausing (animators), custom icons (abstracted without needing a "real" win32 window), scenenodeanimator flags to check if flystraight has finished for example.. plus loads more usefull (to me) bits and pieces. It would be great if in the next release, say, you upgraded just 1 piece of relevent stuff for my needs (optimisations / driver / windows) but loads of shader / terrain stuff which I don't need/use, then I could easily just update the source rather than hunting through all the code trying to find the file dependencies etc.

My irr dll is around 700k now which is half the size it was which for d/l bandwith in shareware demos all adds up, If I don't use it - I don't include it! ;)
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