Formats supported by the getMesh method

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Formats supported by the getMesh method

Post by elander »

When browsing the documentation of the formats supported by:

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virtual IAnimatedMesh* irr::scene::ISceneManager::getMesh(const c8 * filename)
I found something that interests me much, Collada format is supported.
COLLADA is an open Digital Asset Exchange Schema for the interactive 3D industry. There are exporters and importers for this format available for most of the big 3d packages at Irrlicht can import COLLADA files by using the ISceneManager::getMesh() method. COLLADA files need not contain only one single mesh but multiple meshes and a whole scene setup with lights, cameras and mesh instances, this loader can set up a scene as described by the COLLADA file instead of loading and returning one single mesh. By default, this loader behaves like the other loaders and does not create instances, but it can be switched into this mode by using SceneManager->getParameters()->setParameter(COLLADA_CREATE_SCENE_INSTANCES, true); Created scene nodes will be named as the names of the nodes in the COLLADA file. The returned mesh is just a dummy object in this mode. Meshes included in the scene will be added into the scene manager with the following naming scheme: path/to/file/file.dea#meshname. The loading of such meshes is logged. Currently, this loader is able to create meshes (made of only polygons), lights, and cameras. Materials and animations are currently not supported but this will change with future releases.
Having only lights, cameras and meshes is a bit limited. I would like to have a try at changing the loader and try to add these features:

+ very basic animation support
+ materials with possibly associated glsl shaders
+ path grids
+ properties assigned to objects
+ decals
+ loading collada xml format using a xml binary encoding, something called .cxml or .cdae instead of .xml or .dae

Could someone give a roundup of what should i read before trying to compile irrlight and what source files i have to look at for making changes to the dae loader ?
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Post by WToma »

It could help a lot if you write which compiler you're using/you want to use.
Files: take a look at CColladaFileLoader.h and .cpp. It might help to see the files of IAnimatedMesh and other loader codes.
GL :)
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Post by elander »

Thanks. I have already compiled the source with irrlicht-spintz-0.12 that offers a clean suport to dev-cpp and fixes some bugs with irrlicht-0.12

Post by Guest »

I'm also interested in using Collada-Files with Irrlicht. However, I tried loading a Collada-File with the Mesh Viewer and it didn't show anything. Is Collada-Support still in development?
Posts: 193
Joined: Tue Oct 05, 2004 11:37 am

Post by elander »

I think so. Its still very incomplete unfortunatly.
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