Is it possible to control a 3D object by using keyboard?

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Is it possible to control a 3D object by using keyboard?

Post by Guest »

I've managed to create a helloworld application using delphi 2005 based on this tutorial ... ello_World

Apart from a nice 3D graphic, I would like to add a basic user control into it. For example, when a user press 'd', the selected object would be deleted. As simple as that.

I know that my question is totally for novices. That is because I'm a novice to both Irrlicht and Delphi.

Any code in c# or delphi would be very appreciated.

Posts: 370
Joined: Mon Aug 29, 2005 10:54 pm

Post by pfo »

Basically, any 3d object in Irrlicht is a SceneNode, or a derived class from (most likely a derived class, like CameraSceneNode, IAnimatedMeshSceneNode, etc..) These classes all have a setPosition and setRotation function for controlling movement, use these to control movement. There's lots of code in the forum and in the tutorials, so I won't bother posting any here.

To delete an object, when you press 'D', whatever node you want to delete, call node->remove();