water surface

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water surface

Post by powerpop »

first, a silly thing - i noticed in the source for CSceneNode that the variable wavelength is spelled wrong throughout the code - its spelled at wavelenght

and i am puzzled why the water surface is a scenenode rather than an animator? seems like having it as a scenenode requires that it do processing during every frame - and really it doesnt need to to be realistic on fast cards - wouldnt it be better as an animator so that the game developer could decide how often to update the surface?

and one last thing - i have a modification that will make raindrops instead of waves on the surface - niko, would you want this mod? - it requires slightly different input variable than the wave surface - there are two ways this could be done:

- make it a separate node type with its own input (downside is that if you want to have waves and rain you have two copies of the mesh manipulator and two updates)

- add it to the current surface and add the extra paramaters (downside is the current api changes - upside is that you can have rain or waves or both in one call)


also, i am new so this may be a stupid question - but what does the
->drop do to an object - reason i ask is that in CWaterSurfaceNode when it gets destroyed it calls OriginalMesh->drop which i found puzzling - is this just getting rid of a reference (its certainly not deleting OriginalMesh since that would be a bug - the water surface has its own copy of the surface mesh) - so what is drop doing exactly?
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Post by niko »

Yes, sorry, I'm always spelling 'lenght' the wrong way - I bet you'll find this mistake in other places in the code as well. Sorry :)

I like the idea of making the water scene node an animator. The animator would only work with scene nodes which give access to their meshes, but why not. :)

A raindrop - mod? Sounds cool, just send it :)
I would prefer a new parameter in the scene node. Another solution would be to simply add a parameter to the factory method of the scene manager, and then let the manager create the original scene node or a derived one like yours. But it's just a question of taste and design.

The ->drop() call decreases the reference counter of the original mesh. The mesh, which is rendered, is stored in Mesh. It's reference is decreased in the destructor of the super class.
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Post by powerpop »

after looking at your water surface more closely i see rain is quite a bit different - for your waves you can just make a copy of the mesh and use the original as a reference to smooth the surface as waves move - problem with rain ripples is that the surface has to be updated in one pass without changes effecting other parts of the ripple - so that mean i have to make two arrays - one for the last pass and one for the current -its how i had to do it in flatland as well - so really, watersurface doesnt share much internally with rain - so best if i keep them separate

i think i will make raindrops an animator - one question on those - it seems they take in a node and time each cycle they are called - so in that regard they are stateless - things like the raindrops and the water surface will want to hold state about the node they are manipulating - should i subclass the animator and include a node variable on the constructor so that it can hold onto the mesh and other state information between calls?
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Post by keless »

i'd sub-class the animator, and let it expect only a certain type of scene node (wavescene, or rainscene) which will offer its data to the wave/rain animator (ie: 'friend class rainscene;')

then document this above the function call.
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Post by powerpop »

that seems awkward - the new scene type holds the state data - and the rain animator has all the code to manipulate that data (not likely that anyone else would ever use either of them) - i think i would rather make an animator type that knows about state and keep the code and data together - thanks for the suggestion though
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Post by mariusz_p »

I hope that You will make demo to show Your's raindrops in action :) I would like to see it. Actually i don't need theese in my project but who knows what the future will bring :)

btw: Niko are You going to implement per pixel and per vertex lighting in irrich? Or maybe it's already implemented and i didn't found this :)
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Post by Yoshiko »

How to write it in irrXML?
I tried like this:

Code: Select all

	<node type="waterSurface">

			<string name="Name" value="" />
			<int name="Id" value="-1" />
			<vector3d name="Position" value="0.000000, 10.000000, 10.000000" />
			<vector3d name="Rotation" value="0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000" />
			<vector3d name="Scale" value="1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000" />
			<bool name="Visible" value="true" />
			<enum name="AutomaticCulling" value="box" />
			<int name="DebugDataVisible" value="0" />
			<bool name="IsDebugObject" value="false" />
			<float name="waveHeight " value="2.000000" />
			<float name="waveSpeed " value="200.000000" />
			<float name="waveLength " value="10.000000" />

				<enum name="Type" value="solid" />
				<color name="Ambient" value="ffffffff" />
				<color name="Diffuse" value="ffffffff" />
				<color name="Emissive" value="00000000" />
				<color name="Specular" value="ffffffff" />
				<float name="Shininess" value="0.000000" />
				<float name="Param1" value="0.000000" />
				<float name="Param2" value="0.000000" />
				<texture name="Texture1" value="../../media/rockwall.bmp" />
				<texture name="Texture2" value="" />
				<texture name="Texture3" value="" />
				<texture name="Texture4" value="" />
				<bool name="Wireframe" value="false" />
				<bool name="GouraudShading" value="true" />
				<bool name="Lighting" value="false" />
				<bool name="ZWriteEnable" value="true" />
				<int name="ZBuffer" value="1" />
				<bool name="BackfaceCulling" value="false" />
				<bool name="FogEnable" value="false" />
				<bool name="NormalizeNormals" value="false" />
				<bool name="BilinearFilter1" value="true" />
				<bool name="BilinearFilter2" value="true" />
				<bool name="BilinearFilter3" value="true" />
				<bool name="BilinearFilter4" value="true" />
				<bool name="TrilinearFilter1" value="false" />
				<bool name="TrilinearFilter2" value="false" />
				<bool name="TrilinearFilter3" value="false" />
				<bool name="TrilinearFilter4" value="false" />
				<bool name="AnisotropicFilter1" value="false" />
				<bool name="AnisotropicFilter2" value="false" />
				<bool name="AnisotropicFilter3" value="false" />
				<bool name="AnisotropicFilter4" value="false" />
				<enum name="TextureWrap1" value="texture_clamp_repeat" />
				<enum name="TextureWrap2" value="texture_clamp_repeat" />
				<enum name="TextureWrap3" value="texture_clamp_repeat" />
				<enum name="TextureWrap4" value="texture_clamp_repeat" />
But nothing.
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Post by FuzzYspo0N »

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004

Thats a long time ago!
Posts: 17
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So what!

Post by Yoshiko »

Irrlicht Engine start at 2003 year. So what...
In topic http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/phpBB2/ ... hp?t=35029 Im posted too and... nothing.
Feature WaterSurface in irrlicht is dead?
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Post by hybrid »

No, should work as expected as you've written. However, you must not use meshes that use CSkinnedMesh as a base. At least no until Irrlicht 1.6, which fixes this problem.
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