I want to be able to add scene nodes to the terrain scene node but I need to know what height the terrain is at the point I am to add them so that they are not flying or below ground.
Anyone know how to do this? Is this one of those things not yet converted over?
If it isn't converted, what is the C++ method so I can just convert it myself.
Thanks for your help
How to find the height at a point in the TerrainSceneNode
Guest - No I am not using an FPS camera. I have a camera flying over the terrain. That part mostly works ok. I am doing a strategy game with a 3D map and lots of units wandering around under the control of the AI
Thorben - Thanks, that was what I was looking for. I will give that a try. Do you know how fast it is?
Thorben - Thanks, that was what I was looking for. I will give that a try. Do you know how fast it is?