Game Team Request

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Game Manic
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Game Team Request

Post by Game Manic »

I was trying to make a small game designer team for my project(classified :twisted: ) I was needed at least three more programmers(gui programmer, physic programmer, and gameplay programmer),at least two artists(3d artist and 2d artist) and an animator(3d).

either send a reply to this thread or e-mail me a message.
my e-mail address is:
Game Manic
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Post by BlackNinjaGames »

I might, if I knew what I would be making... :roll:
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Post by Conquistador »

Got a game design doc?
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Post by dhenton9000 »

I've got sample art at

I hate to be a PITA but I'm with the guy who asked about the design doc. I would LOVE to work on one of these projects.

But all I ever see is people wanting to put together a team, but never any plans or designs. Its a running thread here complaining about all the MMORPG that get proposed but don't go anywhere.

I'm all for enthusiasm, but enthusiasm isn't enough. Documentation and planning is what makes it happen. If you've got a doc, and it isn't too secret to share :evil: , and my stuff looks like it might work for you, maybe I can help.
Game Manic
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Game Team Request

Post by Game Manic »

I'm going to answer the questions to this thread, yes there is a game document, the game is going to be made in C++ and the irrlicht engine.
Also, the game is going to be first person shooter (still working on a good name though).

if there is any questions: my e-mail
or post another reply.
Game Manic
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Post by Conquistador »

Where's the design doc?

You're not helping yourself too much by not telling us exactly what is going on with the game. Most of the time when people request help with their game, they give out a full game design document, and info on the progress, what's next, etc.
Game Manic
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Design Doc.

Post by Game Manic »

If you want the Design Document give me your e-mail address and i will e-mail you the Design Doc. if you want a different way for you to get the design doc. then send a reply or message.
Game Manic
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Post by etcaptor »

I have some questions:
- it's a free or commercial project?
- what kind of physics you want? Development of Irrlicht internal physisc or using of some physic engine like Newton or ODE in your project.
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Post by JPulham »

How much experiance do I need... Im thinking of doin a few of these to get experiance, but got GCSE's and might not have time, I've been programming in C++ since I was 10 but still only just getying in to 3d ...I use anim8or ( would this cause a compatability issue? I have truespace 4 as well.
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