C++ -> .NET implementation listing

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C++ -> .NET implementation listing

Post by Tamur »

hi all,

I have found only a couple of tutorials using the C# bindings, but can read C++, and I see there are a number of very good tutorials C++. So, I am wondering if anyone knows of a list of "translations" from the C++ API to the C# API. I know that in some cases this is easy to guess (or find) but it has been quite the challenge so far.

This would also help me to know exactly what from the original engine has been ported to Irrlicht.NET

Thank you,
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Joined: Sat Aug 20, 2005 7:08 am

Post by Raedwulf »

Just go through the Irrlicht C++ help and the Irrlicht.Net help.
The interfaces are almost the same so you can find out which is missing and where.
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Post by michael520 »

Raedwulf wrote:Just go through the Irrlicht C++ help and the Irrlicht.Net help.
The interfaces are almost the same so you can find out which is missing and where.
I have the same question,too!

When I read the code of Irrlicht.NET, I can see only fewer classes in it.

I don't know how the Irrlicht.NET is done.

Does it provide all API as the C++ one?

Post by Guest »

Just go through the Irrlicht C++ help and the Irrlicht.Net help.
The interfaces are almost the same so you can find out which is missing and where.
Exactly. AND -- it's a great way to get familiar with the .NET framework as well.

I would think (hope) that any Irrlicht C++ code that was ported would be posted or contributed to help bring the .NET version up to date.

Of course, that's Niko's call...

BTW, if you're looking for a great book on C#, I highly recommend O'Reilly's "Programming C#, 4th Edition". It's very good and covers a lot of C++/VB to C# syntax differences as well as subtle .NET 1.1 to 2.0 changes. 8)

X mesh animation

Post by Anakie »

Ok I have gone through the .Net version and it sad coz it only supports MD2 animation.. how can I get to load a .X mesh with animations using the Irrlicht.Net. that would make my life much easier coz I have like 50++ .X mesh for the RPG I am making... can you guys help or can someone incooperate the iAnimatedXmesh to the .NET version... :?:
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Joined: Mon Oct 17, 2005 8:12 pm

Post by luismesas »

Here is an small example of using .X mesh

Code: Select all

ITexture planet_tex = device.VideoDriver.GetTexture(@"earth.bmp");
IAnimatedMesh planet_mesh = device.SceneManager.GetMesh(@"earth.x");
ISceneNode planet_node = device.SceneManager.AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(planet_mesh, null, -1);
planet_node.SetMaterialTexture(0, planet_tex);