more than 50% FPS speedup!!!! modified irrlicht 0.12

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Post by hybrid »

So why not starting with easy parts and use the suggestion from someone on this or a similar thread. Just add a define for each loader and other optional parts of Irrlicht. Add a large list of defines to irrlicht.h such that by default all are enabled. Then, everyone can easily change to more lightweight libraries by recompiling.

Post by Guest »

Yeah that would save a lot of hassles each time a new irrlicht build is released - because currently I have to go through masses of files stripping out everything manually + adding back in my wintweaks etc.

The compiler header would be a good place , it already has the render system options and some gfx loaders as defines. I would like to

#define NO_Programmable_Pipeline (or GraphicsServices or whatever it is)
#define NO_GUI
#define MIN_GUI (Guielements,Image and Fader but nothin else)
#define ADD_MESHFORMAT_MY3D (for example) (i.e specific ADDS for what you want - if no ADDS then all are included as per default)
#define NO_XML

that kind of thing - that is not the complete list and I am sure it differs from user to user - but even something that covered the more common ones would be apreciated by all of us who make our own custom builds of irrlicht to suit our needs.
Posts: 193
Joined: Tue Oct 05, 2004 11:37 am

Post by elander »

Or better yet a config.xml file like this:

Code: Select all

<param name="gui" value="minimal" /> 
<param name="opengl" value="yes" /> 
<param name="directx" value="yes" /> 
<param name="software_rendering" value="no" /> 
Then separate these systems in different dlls and load them separatly.

Anyway this would be a mess to do right so compiling everyting into one file is aceptable as long as these subsystems aren't so big.
Posts: 154
Joined: Mon Mar 07, 2005 10:16 pm

Post by Quall »

oops, nm, I mis-read your post

I will say no to the seperate dll's idea. I like irrlicht because everything is compacted into one file. I wouldn't want a project using 10 dll's like Ogre. Actually, I know a few people who prefer irrlicht because of how it is set up.
Posts: 186
Joined: Tue Feb 08, 2005 6:02 pm
Location: Romania

Post by Pr3t3nd3r »

wau. Finaly someone apreciate the speed optimization and realy test them.
Yes those 3 make the diference ... i aded 2 more ( the comparing of iterator (no function, just compare to null) and some matrix unroling ... and a big documented page withe the improvements ... ))

Code: Select all
Removing some features of the code: No speed improvement. No utility!
Removing directX 9 .. that can be a relative good think.
DirectX9.c come in 2 flavours:
1. dx9 sdk released before 2005 ...
2. dx9 from 2005
... the problem (at least with - january dx9.c sdk) is that they don't link some code from dx. (you will get d3dx9_24.dll not found.)
And the bigest problem is that even when you want the game to start wit dx8 or opengl you will get that error.
(the dll is smaller 400-500k)
This means that you need to be more chareful when you link the dll.

any way. removing the file formats or dx .. etc you will only use smaler memory ... 1m ... (the sky box only is using more memory that tha memory used by the engine)
... and not having dx i found that ideea verry bad (one feature mising, the engine will not work on old video card (dx works on old cards (my impresion)))

Doing many dll for diferent think ... there cand be some problems ... i i don't realy like the ideia ... (more bugs, copatibility, more complicated, lot's of files ... is possble but i just don't like the ideia)

Post by Guest »

yeah i dont like the idea of many dlls too.

but since i target to dump windows from my harddisk (which can still take a year or even more ... depends how fast linux and opensource will develop and evolve) i dont plan to focus on directx so much.
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