i'm at a 2D-Arcade Game at the moment and i tried to implement the Particle-System of Irrlicht into it.
I've started with the SpecialFX Tutorial and created a nice Flame ^^
My problem is the positioning of this ParticleEffectNode for example if i want the node to follow a 2D Image.
if i try to place this ParticleEffectNode into the 2D world i got some strange problems with the coordinates of the Node.
ok, sure the ParticleEffectNode is in 3D Space so there is a Z-Coordinate i had to set and a Camera to add.
with these Settings, i see the Effect right in the middle of the screen:
Code: Select all
ICameraSceneNode* camera = smgr->addCameraSceneNode(0, vector3df(0,0,0), vector3df(0,0,5));
So if someone can give me some "2D-optimised" Settings for the Camera and the ParticleNodes please tell me.
or teach me about a much simpler solution...