
Irrlicht.Net is no longer developed or supported, Irrlicht.Net Cross Platform is a much more complete wrapper. Please ask your C# related questions on their forums first.


Post by gopakumator1 »

Im trying to follow the movement tutorial in c#;
I have created my EventReceiver class;
Now i need to implement it into the Device and have the events execute when a key is pressed, how do i do this?
Here is my Main Class

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public class CarGame
		public static MechEvents MechEvent;
		public static Mech Mech1;
		public static int fps = 0;
		public static Irrlicht.IrrlichtDevice Device;
		public static Map Map1;

		static void Main()
			Map1 = new Map();
			Mech1 = new Mech();

		private static void SetUpWorld()
			//Add device
			Device = new IrrlichtDevice(Irrlicht.Video.DriverType.DIRECTX9, new Dimension2D(640,480),32,false, true, false);
			Device.WindowCaption = "CarGame";
			Device.CursorControl.Visible = false;
			Device.EventReceiver = MechEvent;
		private static void UpdateCam()
			Irrlicht.Core.Vector3D MechPosition = CarGame.Mech1.ndMech.Position;
			Vector3D CamPosition;
			CamPosition.X = MechPosition.X-500.0f;
			CamPosition.Y = MechPosition.Y-500.0f;
			CamPosition.Z = 1000f;

		private static void GameLoop()
			#region Render
			if (Device.WindowActive)
				Device.VideoDriver.BeginScene(true,true, new   Color(0,100,100,100));
			// display frames per second value
			if (fps != Device.VideoDriver.FPS)
				fps = Device.VideoDriver.FPS;
				Device.WindowCaption = 
					"Irrlicht.NET C# example 01 - Hello World [" + 
					Device.VideoDriver.Name + "] fps:" + fps;	


	}//end class
Here is the Code of My Event Receiver class

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public class MechEvents : Irrlicht.IEventReceiver
		private static Irrlicht.Core.Vector3D Mech1Pos = new Vector3D();
		public MechEvents()
		bool Irrlicht.IEventReceiver.OnEvent(Irrlicht.Event Event)
			if (Event.Type == Irrlicht.EventType.KeyInput && Event.KeyPressedDown == true)
				//If The W key is pressed, move Sydney forward
				if (Event.Key == Irrlicht.KeyCode.KEY_KEY_W)
				Mech1Pos = CarGame.Mech1.ndMech.Position;
				Mech1Pos.Z +=5;
				return true;
			return false;

now where do i go... I don understand it from here on the Movement turorial...

Post by Kikketer »

I'm having the exact same problem. I have the IEventReciever and all that I just can't wrap my head around catching the keypress event in the main.

Someone please help!!!

Post by Kikketer »

Sometimes it just takes a second to write it down. I figured out the answer:

In your class that has the main method just put the following:

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MyEventReciever myEvent = new MyEventReciever();

... << this is where you declare the IrrlichtDevice device

device.EventReceiver = myEvent;
Then start your main... I just have my IEventReciever output to the console just to see things are working. It was writing, now it's just time for me to figure out how to make things move.