the exact same code works 100% in windows, and irrlicht .012 original works fine in linux. i just noticed it because i compiled irrlicht-spintz for linux
I've compiled Irrlicht-Spintz and it's demo's and they ran flawlessly on both SuSE 9.3 and Mepis 3.3.2. This though was a few weeks ago and I'm not sure if there have been any changes to the Spintz engine sence then that may be causing this. If you'd like GFXstyLER I can send you the Spintz lib for Linux in the next few days? Just let me know at some point or another
no, but still thanks i gave up upon irrlicht-spintz for linux and wait until irrlicht-013 is out (which i will use instead), because i think niko has merged the irrlicht-spintz code with it
niko posted a few times that he compares the code irrlicht -> irrlicht-spintz with some app which shows the differences in sourcecode. he also posted that he would integrate some irrlicht-spintz features.
so i think he will merge the good things of irrlicht-spintz in oriignal irrlicht since they are all stable and work
so i think he will merge the good things of irrlicht-spintz in oriignal irrlicht since they are all stable and work...
That would be very cool. I like a lot of the mods and bug fixes Spintz has done...
I've been working on a project primarily using the stock Irrlicht engine. But lately, I find myself using Spintz's version more and more for the new features... I'm sure other devs would appreciate them in the core Irrlicht engine.
I'd also like to see if Niko would adopt Spintz's Doxygen config file. The API docs it produces seem more complete than the current Irrlicht API version.
DirectX 9 is all done. Aside from getting OpenGL working, I just need to extend the functionality on the RAW loader and It'll be ready for release. Come this weekend, if I don't have OpenGL working, I'm going to release it anyways, and then continue to work on OpenGL, for the time being.
So far, I can only get OpenGL to work with 1 alpha map in the fixed function pipeline. So EMT_DETAIL_1ALPHA, EMT_BASE_1ALPHA, EMT_LIGHTMAP_1ALPHA and EMT_DETAIL_LIGHTMAP_1ALPHA will work in OpenGL, but not any of the 2 or more alphas will work, at least not yet. Also, still having the problem with renderstates getting messed up, so you still have to have the GUI on, or things get weird, but progress is progress.
Looks good Spintz. I'm still investigating the issues with the OpenGL implementation. There two leads I am currently following are:
* Material RenderStates - these appear to be faulty when swithching between different "materials". For example - the SOLID material does not display the textured polygons - only pure white triangles!.
* LOD & Culling - there appears to be weirdness related to the display of materials depending on the LOD of the mesh & the view. If certian parts of the mesh are outside the frustrum - the rendering goes batty.
Currently the only problem I have left with OpenGL is implementing multiple alpha maps in a single pass. Other than that, transparency and everything else is working ( I fixed the problem with the renderstates )