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Post by Guest »

GFXstyLER wrote: for your information, i did not read more than the first two lines, so too bad hahahaha
Well, your loss.. just hope you never try to distribute your game to any high number of people. Also nice to see you resort to personal insults just because you "can't handle the truth".. and like I care if you read or not? these posts were intended to give the FACTS to anyone who does not understand why old-tech != bad-tech.. and more specifically for Niko so that he knows there are people out there who apreciate Irrlicht having DX8 and hopefully not dumping it (like ogre is doing with DX7).

Thanks for the well thought out and informed replies :)

Post by Guest »

its just that i do not have the time nor do i want to read a whole BOOK about your stuff

ps: never talk about my project anymore, you dont even have a clue what you are talking about so shut the hell up

Post by Guest »

GFX - look, just because you are logged in does not mean I do not know what I am talking about. I have been around these forums for a long time, I have been into game dev, level editing, coding and more for a long time and in actual fact I do know what I am talking about, you just want to have the last "insulting" post to totally try and debase/invalidate anything I have said - which I can not understand as it is not even directed at you or "Your project" !!??

Please do not tell me I do not know what I am talking about when you are yourself demonstrating gross ignorance of the topic in discussion. This completely highlights that it is YOU who refuse to understand another point of view or actually know what it is you are "arguing" about. Again, what the hell is your problem? I have only stated facts that luckily due to my research/experience I know to be true - you are for some reason attacking this from an "unknown" stand point based purely on the fact you do not understand what it is I, and others in the thread are trying to communicate.

For some reason you have taken something we/I have posted as a personal insult and are turning it into flaming - well tough because I don't play those games, I entered the thread, posted the information (which *IS* accurate) and you have done nothing since but throw your hands up and shout at any conflicting point of view.. well enjoy yourself because all it shows me is how little you know on the specific subject I (and Athlon Jedi) were talking about.

Everything else coming from you is immature insults. Please note I still haven't once "resorted" to that kind of thing - I just don't see what that has to do with the discussion of keeping DX8 in an engine for widespread compatibility. You have no valid retorts, so yeah.. just flame and post insults instead. Which is a shame because you have actually discussed stuff with me in other threads where you apparently seem to credit me with some knowledge/skills. I suppose that is the danger of "guest" accounts. Either way, and even if YOU don't want to read this - or just want to reply with another insult - it is here, on the record for anyone else who reads this to note that I have merely posted information and was not having a dig at you or anyone else in the thread or even the practice of keeping only DX9 ( as I have said a few times now - you SHOULD keep/Use that if your project is intended for it), likewise people should understand why it is NOT a good idea to dump DX8 from irrlicht.. that is because you would loose many users of it who rely on DX8 renderer for their projects.

Is there anything I haven't been clear on? Have you any valid points to post about why the masses of casual/semi-core users are more welcoming of games that require DX8 and NOT DX9?

Try checking out www.indiegamer.com or any other indiegames developer forum and do a search for "DX9 in games" to see the many experienced successful people pointing out that it is a BAD move to ONLY support DX9 at this point in time (unless you are making retail games).

And essay or not, If I post a lot of info it is to try and get through to people - obviously even with all that text it still doesn't work for everyone.

Short insulting posts on the other hand are ALWAYS useful and worthy of being left on the forum :?

Post by Guest »

oh my god another book you wrote there, i wont read it :) sorry man

Post by Guest »

Just like no-one will download your game because it has high requirements I guess... so we'll call it quits ;)


Post by Guest »

okay, if you think 600fps on 9600 at low details are high requirements (which does still look better than most of the irrlicht projects showed here, sorry to say this :/ ) , and 100fps-150fps on highest details with 16x antialiasing, 16x anisotropic filtering is high requirements, i guess you should leave irrlicht (as being a 3D engine) and return to your 2D supermario-style technology.

like i said, you dont know my project so you should shut up talking poop about it immediately.

im now not responding to this thread anymore, enough fun for today :)

Post by Guest »

oh and i forgot a last thing: im using opengl, when using directx9 i would get MUCH higher framerates ... now try to beat that :)

Post by Guest »

And once again you completely miss the point. I'll keep it short so your attention doesn't wane. by "high requirements" I am obviously talking about the NEED FOR DX9 (and this was said in response to the TOPIC we are supposed to be talking about not your "ACTUAL" project but a hypothetical DX9 only one). The need for DX9 is a high system requirement no matter which way you cut it when it is in the world of INDIE GAMES. Nothing to do with system performance or frames per second.

I read on kotaku the other day things that you shouldn't do when you reach 30 (I am 31 by they way) one of them was "get involved in arguments on forums with kids".. man they got that right, I belive you are about 17? well when you get more life experience under your belt you may understand how people can talk about issues that may conflict with your own opinion without resorting to calling them stupid or something.

And for the record, now I realise I am discussing this with a kid - who probably had never even had a JOB let alone worked in the games industry like I have (another fact for you to cry over) - I feel sick at wasting my energy trying to get through to you - you don't matter to me one bit. No wonder I couldn't make you understand, you are a hot headed youth with a lack of maturity and a definate lack of both business and life experience. Call me when you grow up and we'll maybe talk, until that time let me get on with posting valid points for discussion without having school children trying to invalidate them. thanks.

Post by Guest »

some nice words dad :) still too bad i dont care how old you are or how much "experience" you got. its obvious that i dont have a job because im just ~17 and still go to school.

i wont change my opinion, DX8 is deprecated. even microsofts DirectX SDK is not supporting anymore (i think) so it cant be that serious.

ah, and you should think about another thing: people who can even play 3D games on their computer will have a 3D driver installed, thus will have working opengl drivers (the windows ones suck), which means if the computer does not have DX9, they could still use opengl.

and now lets end this, this will get nowhere because i cant change your opinion and you cant change mine, you see :) ?

Post by @SPINTZ »

OpenGL is not in good shape in Irrlicht.
Why is that? I always use it. How do i get rid of the overly UGLY COLOR BANDING IN DX???
Force 32 bit does NOT help.

Second prob: Need to use special version of DXDevPak with DevCpp which is hard to find because of some microsucking legal reasons.
Posts: 1688
Joined: Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:25 pm

Post by Spintz »

I don't have those problems in DirectX, it runs great, and 5x faster then OpenGL on my machine. My problems with OpenGL stem from extending the Irrlicht engine to support 8 textures and texCoords and the renderstate problems are very noticeable now, it's all in IrrSpintz not Irrlicht yet. Eternal Knight is helping me out with the OpenGL problems, and i'm asking on IRC when I can, should have it figured out soon.
Posts: 111
Joined: Wed Mar 23, 2005 12:05 am

Post by FlyHigh »

GFXstyLER: I don't know if your still reading this topic but anyways;

If your trying to appeal to the hardcore gaming audience (the ones that have latest drivers & updates etc.) you have to make a perfect AAA game, which beats everything on the market hands down. In which case its acceptable to set the minium specs pointlessly high.

Otherwise your stuck with the mass market, eg the DX8. In which case you'll have to expect the stats to be quite low.
Posts: 1688
Joined: Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:25 pm

Post by Spintz »

FlyHigh wrote:GFXstyLER: I don't know if your still reading this topic but anyways;

If your trying to appeal to the hardcore gaming audience (the ones that have latest drivers & updates etc.) you have to make a perfect AAA game, which beats everything on the market hands down. In which case its acceptable to set the minium specs pointlessly high.

Otherwise your stuck with the mass market, eg the DX8. In which case you'll have to expect the stats to be quite low.
I really don't believe this. I play these "perfect AAA" games yet I still love simple games. I play FEAR, Planetside, tons of AAA MMO's, and yet still, I find more enjoyment at times playing games on addictinggames.com and other places that are fun, mindless games. My target is not to woo the world's gaming community with my best game idea ever done with Irrlicht. I'm having fun and learning a lot. Hopefully I'll make a game that people will play and have fun. If even 1 person gives me feedback that they have a blast playing a game I made or make, it means just as much then if 50000 people said they enjoyed it. Just my opinion anyways.

Post by @Spintz »


you released ultracool engine-mods and did not loose a single word about my question with the color banding? So please explain somebody why this always gets ignored.
I asked it already more than once and noone did tel me more than Force 32-bit which does not help at all. Up to now only OpenGL runs absolutely flawlessly. I believe you with the double (caugh) framerate but not at the expens of paleted colors please ---> B A N D I N G
Me again

Post by Me again »

Oh and i forgot to mention that i have the very same problem with your modded engine, otherwise i would have switched to it already. Somebody ANY glue why this happens?
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