i hate being a noob

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i hate being a noob

Post by rooly »

is there any possible way for me to get zapped and then know the syntax for irrlicht? i've studied the documentation for hours and i still dont' understand. to top it off, i have a basic game that i'm making for science fair and will later improve upon to sell. science fair is in a month. please help???? :shock: :cry: :(
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Post by jam »

You might start by telling your problem with more details. Most of us here can't read minds :wink:

have you taken a look at the examples included with the download?

You might also try posting what you are having trouble with in the Beginners Help forum.
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Post by omaremad »

explain game
explain gameplay
explain problems

Then we explain how to solve them

my first game was a flying plane over a terrain with water and an enemy plane

Post by Guest »

I also think he should:

explain Experience.

If we don't know how much you know they we can't offer a diagnosis.

Do you know C++? How Well? ever used D3D or OGL directly? Every made and finished a game etc??
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Post by rooly »

well, to let you all know, i'm pretty much a beginner c++ programmer. i've worked on programming for quite a few years, but like my runescape account, i'm a slow learner. i'm taking a class on c++, but i'm about 2 years ahead of the teacher at his pace.

but more to the point, i am making this game for science fair, as a said before. its going to combine all the best elements of a space/air flight/combat sim, mmorpg, and fps. you will start off as either a pilot and earn money to buy upgrades to your ship systems, or even a new ship. when you've aquired a high enough rank and cash amount, you can purchase and command a larger capital ship(starting with freighters and going to dreadnaughts). if you want, you can dock with spacestations or land on planets at anytime(unless you own a large c-ship) and persue the rpg style play where you work on "missions" and refit your ship, etc. also, there will be an fps style of play where you just might get shot down near a planet and you "crashland". you have to fight your way to a safe area amid outlaws both npc and human. lastly, the space-side of the game will include ginourmous battles between either npc's and players, or pvp fleets where large teams will attack with each other against another. inside of all this, there will be npc pilots that you can hire, or player pilots that you can hire on a diff rate(maybe i'll include a contract system).

this is a huge idea. i know exactly what needs to be done, i just dont' know how to do it and my class is not nearly fast enough for me to get to the simple implementation for science fair. i'll expound on my former programming knowledge now.
I worked for 3 years with QBASIC just learning how to do simple programming and teaching my self the basics(pun not intended). next i tried to pick up c or c++, but no compiler was available so i couldn't do any practice and/or learning. so i searched for a couple months and found the game maker program. if any of you have heard of it, it is a great begginner application with a decent amount of advanced functions and has an internal code language similar to c. i worked with that for about 2 years, ending with me doing a simple science fair project in that and going all the way to state and winning honorable mention 2 times. i finnaly found a compiler for c++ this summer around june: Dev C++. I pulled out the built in tutorial and i pulled up some books and i tried my very best to learn it. i'm good at the procedural and logical paradigms, but i just can't comprehend the object oriented paradigm for c++. i use every section that my school textbook gives, but i can't figure it out. there simply isn't enough information.

worst of all, i don't understand the irrlicht syntax. just the other day, i tried to call SLight and i used the other syntax forms that i saw on other examples and i kept getting a runtime error. the program would compile, but nothing would work if i put a light in there. i also tried the ...addDynamicLight() function, but that did the same thing.

there you have it, a 3 page post on my problem. now can you help?
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Post by FlyHigh »

I don't wanna be the one to tell you this but your idea is painfully complicated...

Do you know why there are so few MMORPG games, because they take a very long time to design and make. The idea your proposing would take a team of maybe 30 people all working hard together for the best part of probably 5 years .

Oks I know taking the best parts of all the genres can sometimes work, but combining more than one genre means that your game will be trying to compete against 2 sets of genres & will only target maybe 50% of that audience as the die hard genre fans will just choose a game that is specifically what they want to play. It simply doesn't pay off.

Anyways theres no real way to get zapped into irrlicht especially if your not too hot on the object orientated paradigm. The way I learnt was take a game you know (well) something thats simple and completeable (I choose Atomic Bomberman) and try and remake it yourself, grab a piece of paper and draw what classes you think exist and just write the header file for them (you should realize most of the mistakes here, such as which object inherits what, what container to use etc.) and if your happy with it start coding...

I hope I didn't sound too harsh here, but luck with your game (whatever you decide) and have fun learning C++.
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Post by jam »

another possible option as I assume you know Basic well is to look at the BCXDX which might help you learn irrlicht as you can learn it in a language that your familiar with.
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Post by rooly »

thanks for the posts, guys.

its not so much i want all my ideas to be in at one point. i know that my game is huge, is complicated, and probably won't be top seller. i dont' care. i only want to make it because it is my personal dream game. i want something i can do anything in. i also know for a fact that there are many people around the world like me that are tired of the spinoffs and clones of old games that want something new.

but i digress. i say that i've worked with basic. i stopped doing that about 4 years ago and don't know anything about it besides the PRINT and CLS commands. what i really want is a formal explanation of the irrlicht function calls and such, so that i can figure everything out. once i learn the syntax for calling a single function, i'm good to go. my problem is this "<irr::core::datatype>* <var name> -> <irr::core::bla::function>();" crap. just don't comprehend that. i'm currently reading some books to learn the oop paradigm, shouldn't take me long. just don't understand that pointer call enough.
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Post by omaremad_ »

ok c++ basics

You have things called classes which are a bunch of functions and variable and maybe other classes

{var,class,void,etc..} subset of class

The irr class is the master class containg all other classes so to access other classes in it u use namespaces like this


ok you got classes

maybe you want 5 3d models
so u use the ianimatedsceneode class

to create one you go into irr and then scene

irr::scene::Ianimatedscenenode * mynode;

end commans with a ;

u see the *

that creates a new thing(the one before it ) with the name after *

ok so u got the name of the node done

mynode=smgr->addanimatedmeshcenenode(Prameteers here);

use that arrow thats a pointer

it allows u to access functions inside classes such as smgr(scenemanager)

want to access a variable in a class?

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Post by rooly »

f*'n-a. thats dude. that really does help me alot. i'll continue reading my book and work on this project. all i need done for science fair is some basic controls for moving a ship or something and basic networking support. my project is supposed to be about game networks and developing one on my own. thx for all your help. lets see if we can keep that poll going.
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Post by pfo »

basic controls for moving a ship or something and basic networking support. my project is supposed to be about game networks and developing one on my own.
Good luck man, networking is one of the more difficult things to program. First, if something goes wrong, how do you debug it? Do you debug on the client? or the host? Also, there will always be some time delay in sending the messages (position, etc..) across a network; how will you handle that? Most games keep track of interpolated or guessed positions, I think you might find this really difficult.
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Post by rooly »

i must be the highest poster this week, but i see what you mean. i still have a month(not really a long time, but long enough) for my research. i don't neccisarily have to integrate networking in a client and host or anything like that myself, but i will need the foundation for that system programmed and then some examples of other networking source. by chance, would any of you know anywhere i can find open-source networking code?
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Post by area51 »

Last edited by area51 on Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Morpheus »

is there any possible way for me to get zapped and then know the syntax for irrlicht?
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Post by Midnight »

When will people understand it takes something special to be an artist. 8)
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