About MS's free VC 2005 decision...

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Post by Guest »

i dont care, visual c++ 2005 express is so freaking cool!! i even send him some data when i installed it and registered (you dont have to, my own decision).

if you get something for free, you could at least give something back. so i gave them the useless information they wanted.

i think more and more everyday that visual c++ is the best f*cking piece of software on the whole planet :)

ps: does anyone know if i can use irrlicht with the windows forms? i mean a .net2 app with irrlicht inside, like an editor. if not, i start crying because that would suck like hell!!!
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Post by cpprules »

GFXstyLER wrote: i think more and more everyday that visual c++ is the best f*cking piece of software on the whole planet :)
Have to agree with that.
First i thought that VS sucks, and i was using DevC++. But soon...
My skin started to turn red...
My soul started to burn...
And i liked Visual C++
CRPG, FRPG, Oblivion Fan
Hater of Counter Strike (i hate it so much damn it)

Post by Guest »

My skin started to turn red...
My soul started to burn...
And i liked Visual C++
looool !!!

Post by SomeGuy »

Yeap. Plain nutz. Dudes, I was only trying to give you a small impulse to open yer eyes and say "NO" to the chip (and/or any other wierd mass devices promoted by MS or any other company for that matter) :)

Bye :) BTW VC++ does not suck. VC++ IDE SUCKS :)
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Location: on the Pedastal

Post by cpprules »

CRPG, FRPG, Oblivion Fan
Hater of Counter Strike (i hate it so much damn it)
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Location: Romania

Post by boboS »

ps: does anyone know if i can use irrlicht with the windows forms? i mean a .net2 app with irrlicht inside, like an editor. if not, i start crying because that would suck like hell!!!
Is posible (as I saw in the win32 example ) but I dont know how.
As your ship is going down
ll stand by and watch you drown

Post by Guest »

i already got it to work and its really nice :) i just tried it and did some research about windows.forms. if someone needs a tip on how to do it, drop me a line
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Post by boboS »

Well I also tried doing this..... and no result.
So....I need a tip! :cry:
As your ship is going down
ll stand by and watch you drown

Post by Guest »

so well, here you go:

1. load your windows forms project in VC++
2. create a panel where you want to draw irrlicht in. you can also draw irrlicht in the main panel (which is what i do) but it does not work if you create irrlicht on application start. you have to wait until the main window is created and the n use irrlicht with it. but this is not a problem since i do not load irrlicht on application startup, but when "File/New File..." is clicked.
3. for irrlicht you have to specify a HWND to draw in, which you dont have in windows.forms. so you must take a certain object where you want to draw irrlicht in and take its handle, like this:

Code: Select all

irr::SIrrlichtCreationParameters param;
param.WindowId = (s32)yourobject->Handle.ToPointer();

// for the main window this would be:
//param.WindowId = (s32)this->Handle.ToPointer();
4. then continiue loading irrlicht like in the win32 tutorial. here is an example of how to load it:

Code: Select all

// put this somewhere in the class 
IrrlichtDevice* RenderDevice;
IVideoDriver*	VideoDriver;
ISceneManager*	SceneManager;
bool		RenderingEnabled;

//put this somewhere in your class, too:

private: void initIrrlicht()
		irr::SIrrlichtCreationParameters param;
		param.WindowId = (s32)this->Handle.ToPointer();
		param.DriverType = video::EDT_OPENGL;

		RenderDevice	= createDeviceEx(param);
		SceneManager	= RenderDevice->getSceneManager();
		VideoDriver	= RenderDevice->getVideoDriver();

		RenderingEnabled = true;
		while (RenderDevice->run())
		if(RenderingEnabled == true)
			VideoDriver->beginScene(true, true, SColor(255, 255, 0, 0));


i put a "Sleep(1);" in the while loop because then the editor takes only 1% cpu usage, which is good because you dont want an editor to run on 50% cpu usage all the time.

now make a button for example with the label "Start Irrlicht" and make it load "initIrrlicht();"

last note: when you do an editor its better for you to create a few classes because if you put everything in one .H file it will get messy pretty soon.

hope that helped you :)
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Location: Romania

Post by boboS »

Thanks man, you're the man, man! :P
As your ship is going down
ll stand by and watch you drown

Post by BillGaytes »

If you hate me, why have you chosen my compiler and IDE?...

Post by Guest »

THe code seems to compile fine, but I keep getting a linker error when setting the device:
device = createDeviceEx(param);

The error is:

Code: Select all

irr-win32.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "class irr::IrrlichtDevice * __clrcall irr::createDeviceEx(struct irr::SIrrlichtCreationParameters const &)" (?createDeviceEx@irr@@$$FYMPAVIrrlichtDevice@1@ABUSIrrlichtCreationParameters@1@@Z)
I am pointing to the correct headers and libraries (0.14.0), it is driving me crazy.

Post by Guest »

I should have posted that the peram is a "lable" container.
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Joined: Mon Mar 07, 2005 10:16 pm

Post by Quall »

god damnit. I keep forgetting to log in. THe container is not a label, it is a panel.

Post by Guest »

i got that too. it seems that some microshit stuff is also named "param" so change the name of the SIrrlichtCreationParameters to _param or parameters and the linker error will be gone :)
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