Im playing around with my first 3D game in IrrLicht.
It will be a small RPG game, with elements from Ragnarok Online (but not an MMO) and Dungeon Siege (IE: stats/skills improved thru use).
Currently the stats I am thinking of (after several tree-charts, relation-graphs and thesarus look-ups) are the following:
A) major catagories-- major catagories are used to determine how easily you can perform skills belonging to said catagory. If you were trying to dodge an arrow, Dexterity would help you, and if you wanted to buy a potion at lower costs, Charisma would help you.
VIT (vitality)
INT (intelligence)
CHA (charisma)
DEX (dexterity)
PER (perception)
each major catagory also relates directly to one special statistic:
CHA -> Luck
DEX -> Speed
PER -> Initiative
B) Sub catagories-- each major attribute is comprized of 2 sub attributes. when you spend attrib points, they go directly into the sub attribs (which then increase the major attrib)
VIT: Str and Sta (strength and stamina)
INT: Wis and Kno (wisdom and knowledge)
CHA: App and Wil (appearance/charm and willpower/courage)
DEX: Agi and Acc (agility and accuracy)
PER: Alt and Sns (alertness and sense)
Different skills, items and spells will be based off of different sub-catagories. So while a Priest and Wizard may both be Intelligent, a Priest cannot be an effective Wizard because he will have more Wisdom then Knowledge (and wizard spells will be based on knowledge).
C) some typical 'classes'
there wont be an actual class system per say, instead your 'class' is determined by your skills (like in Dungeon Siege), however you will get 'class' bonuses (unlike Dungeon Siege)
Knight: VIT + DEX + PER
Rogue: DEX + PER + CHA
Wizard: DEX + PER + INT
Priest: PER + INT + CHA
Paladin: VIT + CHA + INT
D) skills--
skills will be used for attacking, healing, defending, blessing, cursing, bargaining and the like. Think along the lines of Ragnarok Online here.
some will be passive (such as bargaining) and some will require MP use (MP is "mana" or "action points")
RPG stat system
RPG stat system
a screen cap is worth 0x100000 DWORDS