Elander & "Trolling" Reply

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Post by elander »

No the one who claims to have proofs is you. Don't you even know what you write anymore?

"And the development community (as opposed to the artist community) is quite elitist. Which is funny given the code quality (or lack thereof) in several places throughout the code-base. That is not to say that they haven't made some important innovations (SDNA is pretty cool), but I have seen many people suggest features / improvements only to be smacked down (hard) by the developers. "

YOU claim to have seen people being smacked down by developers. Care to show us those threads ? Oh right it's me who has to prove you are not lieing poop.

"I was the guy that posted about their "elitist" atitude, and I stick by it. While they may "now" be implmenting features people have requested/suggested - when they are suggested unless you are ( a ) one of the developers or ( b ) the idea is an extension of their existing features - you will be trounced on. "

From your own mouth.

""Implementing features that Ton does not like (regardless of how useful or highly requested they are) will not make it into the main trunk. For example, Ton has stated that CAD/CAM like utilities will not be allowed. So one cannot make a box EXACTLY 10 units wide. This is easy to implement (and has been in several branches), but will not be integrated as it is against Ton's "artistiic philosophy". Which is fine, he controls the featureset and all, but it IS elitist. "

So i guess Ton is an elitist because he didn't do what you wanted him to do. What an ass.

"For the record - it was not Joeri who blasted me (& others), it was Ton himself. "

For the record joeri is not even a developer. But hey you have already presented your proof. You just said it so it has to be proof.

So when chalenged to show this proof or the threads where you claim Ton or other Blender developers have attcked or that email Ton sent you refuse it but still claim they exist and that you are right. Then come with some crap that im the one who has to give proof. Im not the troll here, i don't diss people in other forums and when i have something to say i say in the persons face like im doing with you not in the back like a coward.

So i supose you don't have the maturity enough to either show the threads where these Blender developers have offended you or apologise. I don't have more patience for your imature atitude and frankly i don't know if you are drunk or on drugs but think you cannot harm anyone with your lies anymore. Please go get some physical and mental treatment.

Eternl Knight
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Post by Eternl Knight »

And through all that ranting & gnashing of teeth - you didn't once address your first accusation (which started this). You still haven't shown ONE thread over on the Blender forums where I supposedly exhibited trollish behaviour.

Make all the noise you like - YOU made the initial accusation that started this thread and YOU cannot prove it. Ho hum - guess we know who the troll is :P


EDIT: Oh, and for the hell of it - point by point breakdown of the fallacies in your "parting shot"...
YOU claim to have seen people being smacked down by developers. Care to show us those threads ? Oh right it's me who has to prove you are not lieing poop.
No, it is you who have to prove YOU are not telling mistruths. You claimed I tried to start a flamewar over on the Blender forums - you have yet to prove that.
So i guess Ton is an elitist because he didn't do what you wanted him to do. What an ass.
No, as I explained, I consider him an elitist as he believes his ideas are better than those coming from the community. the CAD/CAM thing doesn't bother me - it's just one that has popped up and been rejected multiple times.
For the record joeri is not even a developer. But hey you have already presented your proof. You just said it so it has to be proof.
I never claimed Joeri was a developer. I was answering a post that believed I was burned by him. I wasn't, and I clarified that. Perhaps you should READ the posts you are fuming so much about in context.
So when chalenged to show this proof or the threads where you claim Ton or other Blender developers have attcked or that email Ton sent you refuse it but still claim they exist and that you are right. Then come with some crap that im the one who has to give proof.
As you well know, I am asking for proof of my "trolling" ono the Blender forums. What YOU accused me of. You don't need to prove that I claimed Ton was elitist. I admit it freely.
Im not the troll here, i don't diss people in other forums and when i have something to say i say in the persons face like im doing with you not in the back like a coward.
Actually, I HAVE told Ton what I thought of his behaviour in regards to the email I mentioned. Which was why I had no problem with you "tattling" on me to him directly. We have dealt with it and agreed to disagree. It seems that YOU are the only one with the problem :P
So i supose you don't have the maturity enough to either show the threads where these Blender developers have offended you or apologise.
I don't need to - you made the first accusation, you haven't proven it. Until YOU can show good faith on your claims - why should I bother making you happy about it? As I mentioned - Ton & I may not be on friendly terms but we have already told each other what we think of one another.
I don't have more patience for your imature atitude and frankly i don't know if you are drunk or on drugs but think you cannot harm anyone with your lies anymore. Please go get some physical and mental treatment.
You know, my baby sister has the same trait. When losing an argument (or in this case, already have lost it) - claim that you are theh more mature, state you no longer think the argument is worth it, then leave with an insult (probably because you're so mature).

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Post by bitplane »

arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olymics. Even if you win, you're still retarded.
Now take this to alt.flame if you've got the balls you pair of pussies.

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Eternl Knight
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Post by Eternl Knight »

*laugh* Yup - you win bit plane :P
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Post by Conquistador »

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Post by elander »

Just to clear the last remainding lies.


To add to the information in this thread the Blender game engine design, for one example, was contributed by users, implemented by users and finaly added to the main Blender project. Thanks to the complex policy that was setup by Ton and the other core developers to accept user contributions. Without it Blender was never what it is today.

Something that Irrlicht project can get inspiration from if this opensource project wants to get the same impact as Ogre, for example.
Eternl Knight
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Post by Eternl Knight »

Two points.

First - there is the original "lie" wherein you accused me of trying to start a flamewar & trolling on the Blender forums. Still waiting on ANY proof of such.

Second - your forum post doesn't prove a thing. You have to show a feature Ton didn't want that was added to the main trunk of Blender to prove your point. The posts you link to only show "some" of the considerations, and even after those are taken into account - SirDude also explains that it is still "complicated". I never stated that Ton doesn't accept any user contributions. My statement is that nothing gets into Blender without Ton's approval, even if it has wide support in the user community.

Let me know when you PROVE one of the points that I am contesting...

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Post by afecelis »

hey guys guys guys! Don't you think you've taken this far enough already?

I understand elander's point of view by simply checking his background in the blender community. And Eternal Knight is obsessed with getting an apology for something that in the end may be totally pointless. We got this sort of controversy all the time in different threads and no one has taken it into a public argument where things are repeated and repeated and repeated. Seriously boys, this is becoming annoying. Don't you think we could be taking more advantage by talking about Irrlicht a bit more?

On the other hand; I wouldn't like as mod to go to blender's forums or Elysiun and see someone talk BS about Irrlicht, its developer or its mods; it would totally piss me off. So also try to understand Elander's attitude and point of view.

So let's try to straight things up. The blender community is our ally and it's a major contributor of Irrlicht stuff. I don't want any hard feelings crossing each other's boundaries of respect.

As a final word; as mods, we hate to lock a thread up or even erase it; it usually causes a bad feeling in the community and a hard reaction from it. But if this thing doesn't evolve into something more productive we'll have no other solution for it.

so shall we get back to business? :wink:

I would also like to remark that we do not approve being offensive with other members, calling them names, or insinuating things about them or their lifestyles. Please remember we all deserve respect here. So EK has also got a point on what he says.
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