Stunt Challenge 1.0 Release

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Stunt Challenge 1.0 Release

Post by Soy1Bonus »

Hi! I'm releasing a beta of my game. I post a demo a long time ago, I Finally!

It's programmed using Irrlicht NX (Irrlicht ~0.7 + changes + patches) but in the future I may port it over standard Irrlicht.

For more info, visit: ... .php?t=384

Comments are welcome!
Finally I could release the 1.0 version of the game, here is it: ...

And the sources: ...

Hope you like it!
Last edited by Soy1Bonus on Thu Sep 01, 2005 3:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Soy1Bonus »

Come on guys, you were always complaining that there were not finished games made with irrlicht, and I bring you this one and no comments?

I know there are bugs, but we're still working on it!

I posted this screenshots in another thread, but maybe someone wants to see them before downloading (they're a bit outdated):


In a week, we'll post the source code.
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Post by Armen138 »

i think its great!
it looks good, and its as much fun as the classic 'stunts'!
if you're looking for me, start looking on irc, i'm probably there.

Post by Fred »

Ugly graphics, but good job all the same.
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Post by afecelis »

I don't see them as ugly but as beta tests. Lightmaps, skyboxes and fancy stuff come in after testing everything is working as expected.

good job! the source will help us a lot. :wink:
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Post by etcaptor »

Nice :D

What physic and network libs are used?
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Post by Soy1Bonus »

Ugly graphics
Yeah, I know, I've done them by myself (my first 3D Studio models) and I'm not an artist.

But hey, they're not that bad for my FIRST GAME (and a finished one). Not many people can say this.

The only thing I didn't do by myself was the sounds (which were taken from an old rally game).
What physic and network libs are used?
Raknet for the network (wich we need to improve much more, hope on the next release).

TrueAxis for the physics. It's a good api for beginners, though it still has some bugs (but it's a young lib, give it some time).
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Post by bitplane »

finally got round to playing this... and it's superb!
your first game is a multiplayer with physics? congratulations! :)

Post by rodri »

bitplane wrote:your first game is a multiplayer with physics? congratulations! Smile
Hi, I'm the partner of Soy1Bonus, and I do the physics and net. Yes it's multiplayer with physics but the sync is very "primitive" (at now, I only change the client state with the info that sends the server), because we have to finish the game now (It's a academic project). With more time, we will probably fix this.
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Post by andrei25ni »

I must say you game is great. Why not foce it (or risk it ? ) :) and make it arcade? Bigger tracks and lower gravity should do the trick. And in the menu you could create a tutorial section and a campaign mode.

And fix this annoyng bug: when my car is stuck (more often in a tree) I press the R button, but the car falls in the exact spot : the tree. Try to position the car more behind when it is being reset.

And work on the textures ! :lol:

Good luck!
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Post by vermeer »

havent played , and cant now for lack of time, but will. Is looking good, specially as the focus seems to be ideal for a pc game. The gfx...well, am a "pro" -cough- and well, I have seen some prototype gfx WAY uglier. Indeed, I like that car, I find it funny and quite reminding of the usual everyday -european, as we are many ;)- car...Yup, some bits of texture work, some dtails, and you'll have a great game. Keep working on the game code and game play, your graphics not only are good enough for a prototype and kep working on the game code itself, but surely WAY more than enough for some gfx artist to come ove rthem and improve using as a base. A tip: from a content like yours, already also suited in game code is LOADS easier for the gfx man that may come now to make kickass quality of it...or not, as being asuch a fun game, trust me, some started so, with WAY uglier and fewer gfx, and comunity, even the gamers tehmseleves will improve more than u can imagine if the game is fun..! :)

So, by all means, keep going for it !

Later on I will play . :)

pd : proyecto de fin de carrera de la uni de oviedo...curioso... ;)
pd: easy traslation...
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Post by vermeer »

Couldn't avoid to try it... :p


kudos . from a pro gfx artist. And not for the graphics, of course, but for the game.And that basing on 0.7...

Yup, adding to it probably more geomerty heavy cars, some better cared textures..But for the game itself, it'd add nothing extra. even add the terrain different behaviours, the car when turns over its side, stays so...break and go backwards lights, good feeling with physics...

Osborne can pass bellow it, I tested, between the columns..)

oh, as some feedback extra...loaded stencil shadows, it went ok, no probs, in a p4 ,old gf, 512 ram.

what could be done...addd some nice geometry , textures..and very specially a good GI lightmap, and for the game concept it does not rquire much make it fun for longer time, surely adding competitions with damage model, that would rock, hehe.

lol, you even added walls friction

The seat panda seems to have easier break-turning....(inded, the curves that have an angle, there u can really do this very crazily and can quick learn the point of the car to bring it to an extreme, and that happens not often in a car game...congrats here...I prefer the fps play, but all views are quite good )

Noticed a glitch on the panda are adding to it environment mapping material...but it darken when turning and pases almost frontal to th ecamera...a darkening that uses to happen usually for: a)too near walls (or car/faces duplicated over it self) b) bad smoothing normals/groups.c) camera clipping, which wouldn't be the case...d) some weird env mapping effect?

Hehe, the "crowd" is what i found more

No, seriously. Is an easy moddeable game for any artist...I guess just replacing those x files would be enough...respecting scales, sizes, maybe some other details?
I doubt I do(have too much pending work), but in case some other are interested.

Oh, change controls menu so to display keyshortcuts instead of ascii code, if you are in the mood...

For coder art is WAY, WAY better that what i am used to see...

Keep concentrated on gameplay (add the carmageddon factor, lol...competition (ie, LAN play) specially damage model with crashes with other cars, and go loosing car funcionality depending on type and place of impact, number of impacts, strenght of em...) as the better the game is, the more gfx ppl gets interested in modding it. Do it easy to mod, as seems is. And the gfx will be done free for u...Just do it dumb easy, as artists don't use to bother much for free projects , but even more if is hard to add the gfx.
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Post by vermeer »

And fix this annoyng bug: when my car is stuck (more often in a tree) I press the R button, but the car falls in the exact spot : the tree. Try to position the car more behind when it is being reset.
I noticed it too, but somehow did fall a bit different, so I could really accelerate to remove the car from there.
Wel, I found it really clean of bugs...

And work on the textures !
Lol, is quite hardworked for a coder. I instead remove my hat for it. Lol, for a prototype, I would even do so low in detail, as doing good textures is time consuming..and imho, way better if u two keep concetrating in addin more to game, game play, code...I do agree in the gravity thing and spectacular crashes, etc, but i'd prefer if the good physics are kept...even if exaggerated, but the feel is really good. To that we all enjoy better in this games the exagerated factor, carmagedom like (but no walking people killing, please...)

If I myself had the time I'd revamp the whole game in gfx, but have no time now, and that can be done even some months later when n versions have been updated... ;)

Keep improving it and it will become more and more atractive..a gfx person will see over the prototype gfx way more than other people, and indeed, when u have graphics this exact quality -correct, just not breath taking- is when gfx people feel more in the mood to do a proper job of it...

Finally making games again!

Post by Guest »

Sorry, but the game is dead. I mean, we worked very hard on it and released the last version, though there are some bugs tu correct (like the collision with trees) and the network code needs some work. I did all the models and textures and it was my first contact with 3d studio max. I'm proud of it though I know the graphic could be improved A LOT.

This was our first game, and developing it was great. We learned a lot. But now we are trying to learn other things and maybe we'll made another game with more people.

If anyone wants to improve it or whatever, the source code has also been released. By now, I'm making my own game engine, to learn some game coding principles. Thanks for your patiente, and wait 'till we return!
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Post by Soy1Bonus »

The last post was mine :D
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