I see in the features of IRR the loading process of a quake III map.
My question is how is the integration of the triggers from quake map to ircc code.
For example:
a) if i make a ladder, how i know the "ladder approuch" event ?
b) when the player entity pass for a specific region, it not return from this point (creating a invisible wall)
Quake III Map with Triggers x IRRLicht
Irrlicht is avaible to load Quake 3 .bsp converted map files, but it loads geometry with textures and generated lightmaps only.
There is no support for q3 map entities, so you will have to write your own map objects or think up some sort of level entity system.
Also there is no such player entity involved into irrlicht.
When making an FPS type project you just have to simply add a camera with colisionResponseAnimator (to set up gravity) and then set up it's start position.
As for invisible walls hmm you can use few methods for that, or write your own class for invisible object, but the easiest would be making a box (even from 3d model) add octtree collision to it and make the model invisible. By this you will have invisible wall, which would be impossible to pass by camera.
I hope I've explained it a bit
(but I'm also quite an amateur still, so maybe some advanced users will give you better tips)
Irrlicht is avaible to load Quake 3 .bsp converted map files, but it loads geometry with textures and generated lightmaps only.
There is no support for q3 map entities, so you will have to write your own map objects or think up some sort of level entity system.
Also there is no such player entity involved into irrlicht.
When making an FPS type project you just have to simply add a camera with colisionResponseAnimator (to set up gravity) and then set up it's start position.
As for invisible walls hmm you can use few methods for that, or write your own class for invisible object, but the easiest would be making a box (even from 3d model) add octtree collision to it and make the model invisible. By this you will have invisible wall, which would be impossible to pass by camera.
I hope I've explained it a bit
(but I'm also quite an amateur still, so maybe some advanced users will give you better tips)
Hmmm...omaremad_ wrote:i would do a Bounding box test using daws invisble box
look at Collisionmanager.H for all the collision functions (it contains explainations in it)
Ok, its a idea, but without triggers or another "objects of the map" this task is more hard (or you idea its make invisible boxs with "tags" to determine the objective) ???