Here is what I've tried:
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core::stringw GetCommand = EditBox->getText();
if(GetCommand==L"hide node"){
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core::stringw GetCommand = EditBox->getText();
if(GetCommand==L"hide node"){
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if(GetCommand==L"hide node")
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if (GetCommand.c_str() == L"hide node")
// Bleh
No, that would compare pointers which is usually not intended. Convert the constant string to a stringw object and you can use the comparison.Conquistador wrote:Or:
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if (GetCommand.c_str() == L"hide node") { // Bleh }
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int result = wcscmp( CommandText=EditBox->getText(), const wchar_t *Command1=L"hide node");
//where result=0 means that strings are the same
If you're using pointer to something you shoudl not use "==" but some function which knows how to handle such pointers (e.g. your wcscmp which should work...). But you can also convert the constant string ("hide node") to a stringw object and then compare by usingdawasw wrote:Hybrid I am not sure what do you mean. Hmm could you point me more of your idea ?
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should bedawasw wrote:wcscmp( const wchar_t *string1, const wchar_t *string2)
I have tried above using:
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if(result == 0)
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core::stringw GetCommand = EditBox->getText();
if(wcscmp(GetCommand.c_str(), L"hide node") == 0){
Huh? It works for me. Did you #include <wchar.h> ?dawasw wrote: Still doesn't work.
I use dev-cpp and irrlicht 0.12 .
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const wchar_t *text = L"hide node";
core::stringw GetCommand = EditBox->getText();
// don't forget to use a capital 'S' with printf for wchar_t strings
printf("Command = [%S], comparing to: [%S]\n", GetCommand.c_str(), text);
if(wcscmp(GetCommand.c_str(), text) == 0)
printf("%s\n", "Strings are equal");
printf("%s\n", "Strings are not equal");