New scenenode

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New scenenode

Post by ProSoft_not_logged »


Wow do i can call a scenenode that produces this tire marks?


Im writing this scenenode to produce tyre marks on my rally game - my amateur project for hobby ;) .

Its very inspired on grass scenenode. Great work!!!
I belive this node can be used to produce a lot of effects.

Actually, with this features:
- Customized number of sections ( you define how many sections )
- Customized max distance btw sections.
- Textured
- The last n sections in tail will fade away before deletion

The max distance * number of sections will define total lenght.

Please tellme if you have sugestions or comments!

A demo will come soon!
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Post by dhenton9000 »

so what physics engine are you using? :lol:
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Post by bitplane »

sounds interesting :)
hmm what do you call a scene node that does tyre marks? I'd personally go for CSkidMarkSceneNode.. if you're looking to make it more generic (skid marks, bullet holes, burns, etc) I believe the term is decalcomania, or decal for short. Armen made a simple decal scene node ages ago, the code is here in the forums somewhere.
i hope you manage to stick them to the floor better than my grass, so i can steal your code ;)
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Post by Guest »

dhenton9000: Im using Newton 1.5 ... finally managed how do get a vehicle to work...

Bitplane: No its not stick to ground, it attually four scenenodes childs of car body. I check the newton isAirBorne ( or something ) to see if wheel is touching the ground.

My scenenode is not preperly for decals. Dont need to be sticked to any surface. You can create a wind effect for a jet plane, you can create this decals on water when a boat is moving. It can more show a kind of tail for node its parented to... I see this kind of effect in a sword sometime. When you move the sword (attack) it leave a tail on the air.
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Post by ProSoft »

Im still looking for a name to my class in order to post a demo. No one have a good idea?
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Post by JPulham »

ISkidMark :lol:
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Post by kallaspriit »

Looks nice!

I am interested in this feature, could you post the code with whatever class name, this is not so important. I would suggest IOverlaySceneNode or whatever :P
Posts: 27
Joined: Thu Sep 15, 2005 3:22 pm

Post by kallaspriit »

What is the progress on this scenenode? Waiting for a release :P
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