question about Irrlicht shadows.

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Rabid Mantis
Posts: 61
Joined: Sun May 08, 2005 11:30 am

question about Irrlicht shadows.

Post by Rabid Mantis »

In my scenes, I'm using .x models, and i know how to create lights and set the model material etc, but the models arent casting shadows on each other. Can irrlicht not do this yet or is there something special I need to do to cast shadows? I don't need to create a whole world for what i'm doing so i was just trying to make a flat .x plane as my ground.
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Location: Colorado, USA

Post by AndyCR »

see , particularly:
replace anode with the name of your IAnimatedMeshSceneNode.

In addition, be sure that the 5th parameter of createDevice is true and not false.
Rabid Mantis
Posts: 61
Joined: Sun May 08, 2005 11:30 am

Post by Rabid Mantis »

thanks. guess I missed that one :oops:

Post by Guest »

me is having another question about shadow.

maybe you already notice the shadow bug which make your shadow to be drawn even behind the wall of a map.

so, i'd like to use another kind of shadow. i'd like to have a more or less black disc under my model and not to use the shadow volume.

the problem is that i don't know how could i do this.
any idea?
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