I wouldn't recommend anjuta to compile the engine nor for projects.
To compile the engine simply open a shell window where you unzipped the source; an adequate makefile will be placed there. In the shell window type "make" and hit enter. If you got all the required libs, the compiling process will create "libIrrlicht.a" in the "linux" folder inside of "lib"
You will then be ready to compile projects.
Now for projects I'd suggest using either Scite (scintilla text editor) or Codeblocks (free ide).
With scite, make sure to have a copy of the makefile that comes with any of the examples (except the demo) since they're ready to work with any "main.cpp" file you got. Open your source in scite and then hit the "build" button. It will then look for the make file and compile your app.
You can grab a copy of scite here:
only drawback is you gotta compile it and it's got a high level of dependencies.
there's also an older version (1.61) rpm package here:
ftp://ftp.pbone.net/mirror/ftp.gwdg.de/ ... 1.i586.rpm
but careful with dependencies.
Codeblocks has got an Irrlicht project template which comes in very handy. There are binaries for different distros here:
http://forums.codeblocks.org/index.php/ ... 194.0.html
and then there's always the video drivers issue. There are some known iinconsistencies with opengl and some Nvidia cards. But there's a fix available.
one thing at a time!