DirectX drawing so poor

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DirectX drawing so poor

Post by jrm »

Why is DirectX drawing so poor? If I change what driver I am using, for 2D drawing, it looks GREAT in OpenGL. But quite poor, missing pixels and such, using DirectX.

I guess it is mainly the faded, light, colors that just don't show up(They maybe comming up as transparent). Is there a Color depth limit with DX? and Yes it does happen on both DX 8 & 9.

Could this do it:
driver->beginScene(true, true, video::SColor(0,0,0,0));

Thank you,

Last edited by jrm on Fri Feb 10, 2006 3:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Xaron »

Could you provide us with two screenshots (one OpenGL, one DX) as I don't have such problems here.

DX in Irrlicht is used with D3DFMT_R5G6B5 as BackbufferFormat, if you don't enable 32bit textures in fullscreen mode.

Regards - Xaron
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Post by jrm »

I would love to post a screen shot, but I don't have a website currently. I used to years ago, but haven't had the time or $ to get another one going.

What free website places are out there? I used to have one on geocities, about 10 years ago.

Thank you,

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Post by jrm »

Probably have to have so many posts to add an Avatar? I tried that. it didn't seem to work. I get errors when adding my avatar

Warning: copy(./images/avatars/18937320443ecb3751ec58.jpg): failed to open stream: Read-only file system in /home/groups/i/ir/irrlicht/htdocs/phpBB2/includes/usercp_avatar.php on line 239

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/groups/i/ir/irrlicht/htdocs/phpBB2/includes/usercp_avatar.php:239) in /home/groups/i/ir/irrlicht/htdocs/phpBB2/includes/page_header.php on line 475

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/groups/i/ir/irrlicht/htdocs/phpBB2/includes/usercp_avatar.php:239) in /home/groups/i/ir/irrlicht/htdocs/phpBB2/includes/page_header.php on line 477

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/groups/i/ir/irrlicht/htdocs/phpBB2/includes/usercp_avatar.php:239) in /home/groups/i/ir/irrlicht/htdocs/phpBB2/includes/page_header.php on line 478

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Post by sRc »

avatar's got problems, its been discussed. the only thing you can do for avatar is link from another site

and upload your screenshots (and avatar too so you can hotlink) to Imageshack. simple free image hosting :)
The Bard sRc

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Post by jrm »

Cool site! Thank you!

Here is my screen shot, chopped down.Image

Let's see if this works. The one on the left is DX and the one on the right is OpenGL.

Thank you,

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Post by Pazystamo »

Why so small? :) you could add biger one, now i can see only that OGL is more blur...
P.S. if you want free hosting for site try it gives 250mb, 20gb for traffic, PHP,Mysql. But haves some limits:no email server,2mb file limit and small text add on top of every page,but its ok for me :)
Yesterday i created site and installed phpbb forum and used only 3,3mb :)
My project in forum- ATMOsphere - new dynamic sky dome for Irrlicht
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Post by jrm »

I am doing a small 3rd person game. I haven't quite figured out the size of my tank yet. but right now it is only 32 x 32 pixels. All 2D.

Cool, I signed up for some space there. we'll see how that goes.

Thank you,

Posts: 111
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Post by jrm »

Ok, I did the mipmap stuff. The OPENGL looks smoother, but it is missing pixels now.

The left is the DX next is OpenGL, and the last is the actual image I did.

I got one of those free websites the other day. and added the image there, I'll have to keep the site growing.

Thank you,

Last edited by jrm on Thu Feb 16, 2006 9:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Guest »

perfect textures:

1.Good source art in power of 2 sizes (2,4,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024 and combinations of those)

2.Mip Maps OFF before loading

3.TextureCreationFlag = OptimisedForQuality Always

4.32 Bit Colormode enabled

5.Don't use integer scaling for anything load in at final size for resolution. If you need scaling then use more flexible code in relative floats (see emils sprite class for a hint at this)

Works flawlessly here in DX.
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Post by jrm »

The source image is 512x512 and I am taking 32x32 sections out to draw the admination of the tank. The interesting thing is the software renderer draws the tank better than the others.

Taking MipMaps off doesn't work. makes the OpenGL much clearer, but has some pixels missing.

OptimisedForQuality didn't work.

Have tried 32 bit color mode, this is in the device creation, correct?

and that last comment, I'm not doing any scaling.

Thank you,

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Post by jrm »

I still haven't resolved this problem. Why would it look great in software rendering and not so good in DX and OGL?

Thank you,

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Post by chromdragon »

Check my solution only for OpenGL! (no clipRect) ... hp?t=12763
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Post by jrm »

I feel like an idiot. After reading some other post about a similar thing, it stuck me that the whole image is loaded into memory, and it has to be in a power of 2. So I changed my image to be just that (512x512) and that worked!!! thank you everyone, and sorry for not thinking.

Thank you,

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