I just deleted about 5000 user accounts. I deleted a lot of spammers, but maybe also some regular users, who never posted something. Sorry for this, simply register again.
Pazystamo wrote:I think that for guest need to turn on image verification before posting, now every day i see spam with lots of links...
I totally agree with that. Spam is an neverending problem which, I think, can only be, if not stopped, then at least largely reduced by either closing Guest (which I think is a bad idea) or restricting it in a way to sort out these stupid bots. Image verification might be the answer ?
Its realy easy to install it (3-5min), need to change only 2 files (here is custom template, so 3 files).
You can test it on my forum http://vdu.byethost31.com/forumas/index.php (lithuanian language, but you will find post button ). Please write in "Plepalai" forum as guest. Image letters are case sensitive! (all caps).
I will write pm to Afecelis and tell about this oportunity to stop spam
My project in forum- ATMOsphere - new dynamic sky dome for Irrlicht