Very good work!!! i hope we can work together for irrlicht community has a standar node for filters of shaders (open source) , and all people can work in hisself shaders
I am the author of thread "My node for filters post procces" of section Advance help
TheWorstCoderEver wrote:Is this the real hdr??? Most of 3d engines, tv3d included, have only "fake" hdr. If this thing is for real, then we have just surpassed them...
Irrlicht Engine version 0.14.0
Professional Service Pack 1 (Build 3790)
Using renderer: OpenGL 1.5
GeForce 6800 GT/PCI/SSE2: NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL driver version is 1.2 or better.
Loaded texture: #DefaultFont
hiGLSL shader program failed to link
GLSL shader failed to compile
Loaded texture: up.jpg
Loaded texture: dn.jpg
Loaded texture: lf.jpg
Loaded texture: rt.jpg
Loaded texture: ft.jpg
Loaded texture: bk.jpg
Could not find texture in Q3 .bsp: textures/common/caulk
Loaded texture: e7walldesign01b.jpg
Loaded texture: e7steptop2.jpg
Could not find texture in Q3 .bsp: noshader
Loaded texture: e7dimfloor.jpg
Loaded texture: e7brickfloor01.jpg
Loaded texture: e7bmtrim.jpg
Loaded texture: e7sbrickfloor.jpg
Loaded texture: e7brnmetal.jpg
Could not find texture in Q3 .bsp: textures/common/clip
Loaded texture: e7beam02_red.jpg
Loaded texture: e7swindow.jpg
Loaded texture: e7bigwall.jpg
Loaded texture: e7panelwood.jpg
Loaded texture: e7beam01.jpg
Loaded texture: xstepborder5.jpg
Could not find texture in Q3 .bsp: textures/liquids/lavahell
Loaded texture: e7steptop.jpg
Could not find texture in Q3 .bsp: textures/gothic_trim/metalblackwave01
Could not find texture in Q3 .bsp: textures/stone/pjrock1
Could not find texture in Q3 .bsp: textures/skies/tim_hell
Could not find texture in Q3 .bsp: textures/common/hint
Could not find texture in Q3 .bsp: models/mapobjects/timlamp/timlamp
Could not find texture in Q3 .bsp: textures/sfx/flame1side
Could not find texture in Q3 .bsp: textures/sfx/flame2
Could not find texture in Q3 .bsp: models/mapobjects/gratelamp/gratetorch2
Could not find texture in Q3 .bsp: models/mapobjects/gratelamp/gratetorch2b
Loaded mesh: 20kdm2.bsp
Needed 29ms to create OctTree SceneNode.(320 nodes, 7753 polys)
Loaded texture: particle.tga
Loaded texture: omar.tga
Loaded mesh: car.obj
Loaded texture: car.tga
Loaded texture: skynoglow.jpg
Loaded texture: skyglow.jpg
never the less i thought up a technique which will allow lightmapped & bumpmapped levels at the same time with no modifications to the file format loaders of irrlicht stay tunned
i also reccomend to keep an eye out for needforhint's shaders as they are cool
u can comment this line out it is useless
colorc.a = texture2D(alpha,vec2(gl_TexCoord[0].x, gl_TexCoord[0].y));