Converting from Windows GDI to Irrlicht

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Das Gurke
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Converting from Windows GDI to Irrlicht

Post by Das Gurke »

Well, I just discovered Irrlicht and decided this will be the thing to migrate my 2D Game from the Windows GDI. The "drawing" Part of this is extremly easy.

Code: Select all

// Das Feld ist ein freies -> fixed.bmp
			if(Gamefield.pFields[(y * Gamefield.iXSize) + x].iStatus == FIELD_STATUS_FREE)
				// Surface des Bitmaps als StandardSurface einsetzen
But before I overload myself:

How complicated is it to set the engine up in a way that I'll just have to replace this stuff? I had a look in the tutorials and it seemed fairly easy. Or is there anything beyond i should consider?
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Post by r3i »

Sorry I don't understand...what kind of actions your game must do?
:oops: sorry
"We work in the dark, we do what we can, we give what we have, Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task. The rest: is art of Madness" (H.James)

Post by Martins »

I am really a novice with Irrlicht, but I think it is very easy to
do wat you want with:
irr::video::IVideoDriver::draw2DImage(const wchar_t * text,
const core::rect< s32 > & position,
video::SColor color,
bool hcenter = false,
bool vcenter = false,
const core::rect< s32 > * clip = 0
Your bmp can be easily loaded with:
virtual ITexture* irr::video::IVideoDriver::getTexture ( const c8 * filename )
What I feel is that Irrlicht is the most friendly framework especially for beginners (like myself).
Das Gurke
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Post by Das Gurke »

r3i wrote:Sorry I don't understand...what kind of actions your game must do?
:oops: sorry
No reason to feel sorry! I will explain myself a little further.

I am programming a Bomberman and divided the gamefield into something like a 2D Chessboard. Every field on this board has a so called "Field_State" which defines what happens if a player touches this field and which graphic has to be rendered.

As you can see my routine draws a surface according to the field type.


Thanks, if its really as easy as that! Do i have to use the irrlicht draw loop? Probably yes but maybe ... ^^
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Post by r3i »

:) now I understand!
Beautiful idea *^^
I think that you must use the loop, because an user must move, so you must update the status of every cell of the field every time the bomberman moves.

You can use Collision or checking only coordinates, but in all the way you must control the bomberman position every time an make some operations.

Do you?

Hope I helped you *^^
"We work in the dark, we do what we can, we give what we have, Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task. The rest: is art of Madness" (H.James)
Das Gurke
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Post by Das Gurke »

Huh, maybe we are talking about something different again ^^

The game does exist so far. Movement, Collision System etc is integrated. It just sucks CPU Power like hell, because it does not use hardware acceleration (due to WinGDI). The only thing I want to change is the drawing part. Things like Alpha Channels etc would be too great ;)

If you want to have a look at the game:

Edit: Its in german, but that shouldn't be a real trouble ^^
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Post by r3i »

Beautiful site!!!
I understand you target.
I suggest to make in main loop because if user send the game in background or pause it, it'll lost the video output... take some tests :)
I know because this is the problem of many splashscreen for games.
"We work in the dark, we do what we can, we give what we have, Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task. The rest: is art of Madness" (H.James)
Das Gurke
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Post by Das Gurke »

Yes, at the moment I'm really in trouble with my splashscreens ... But I guess I got the hang out of it, the load screen is perfectly drawn by Irrlicht now.

Next Step, Stepping from Loadscreen into the game ... Lets see how I come along ...

The page is made using the CMS Joomla, really a great piece of software :D
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Post by r3i »

:D CMS!!
I'm implementing it in the web agency where I'm working!!!

Nice... I'll get some idea!
;) -< I'm here as apprentice
"We work in the dark, we do what we can, we give what we have, Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task. The rest: is art of Madness" (H.James)
Das Gurke
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Post by Das Gurke »

Just wanted to blow out that I did it :D

Big Thx!

Works just as I wanted it, only a few flaws to clean!
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Post by r3i »

:D wanna see wanna see!
"We work in the dark, we do what we can, we give what we have, Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task. The rest: is art of Madness" (H.James)
Das Gurke
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Post by Das Gurke »

Huh, not much to see by now and not quite ready. But sek, I will quickly pack the actual version.

Maybe you can give me another hint:
The Program sucks 90% CPU if not active, 0-3 when active. Any usual mistake that I could have made?

If anyone is interested in Sourcecode or whatever feel free to ask btw, Open Source hooray :D The whole stuff is only commented in german tough :oops:

Graphics can be swapped easily and are normaly not made by me, due to some changes you must take mine now though *g*
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Post by r3i »

Yeah it sucks because maybe you put it on background but app continue to draw scene.
In your loop ( if you've used one ) check as condition:
while( device->run() ){
if( device->isWindowActive() ) {
//begin scene
//end scene

device->run() check if all is running
device->isWindowActive() check if window is active: the app is in foreground
"We work in the dark, we do what we can, we give what we have, Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task. The rest: is art of Madness" (H.James)
Das Gurke
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Post by Das Gurke »

Not quite :cry:

The Load Screen at the very beginning uses this code.

Code: Select all

while(IrrDevice->run() && IrrDriver)
		// Wir wollen nur was rendern wenn das Fenster aktiv ist
		if (IrrDevice->isWindowActive())
			// Später wichtig für Zeitmessung, eher irrelevant im Intro aber wir sind ja Perfektionisten
			DWORD	dwRenderTime;

			dwRenderTime = GetTickCount();

			// Wer will schon den Mauszeiger sehen?

			// Lasset die Scene beginnen
			IrrDriver->beginScene(true, true, irr::video::SColor(0,0,0,0));

			// Laden wir das Hintergrundbild
			IrrDriver->draw2DImage(tBackground, irr::core::position2d<irr::s32>(g_iXOffsetSplash,0),
											    NULL , irr::video::SColor(255,255,255,255), true);

			// Lassen wir etwas transparentes um den Cursour entstehen
			irr::core::position2d<irr::s32> m = IrrDevice->getCursorControl()->getPosition();

			IrrDriver->draw2DImage(tCursor, irr::core::position2d<irr::s32>(m.X - 2, m.Y - 2),
											NULL , irr::video::SColor(255,255,255,255), true );

			// Zeit in ms vergangen
			dwRenderTime = GetTickCount() - dwRenderTime;
			// Für diese Zeit CPU an andere Anwendungen abgeben
			if(dwRenderTime < 33)
				Sleep(33 - dwRenderTime);

			// Und da ist die Szene rum *g*

			// Für Abbruchance sorgen
				// Schleife beendet, aber müssen wir das Spielfeld anpassen?
				if(Config.iFullscreen == false)
					// Fenster resize

				// Wir haben geladen -> Gamestate Play
				return (GAMESTATE_PLAY);

Trouble is it sucks MORE CPU if in Background ... [...]


Endless Loop? Seeeecond ^^

... OUCH!

Yes, when the window was not active I have created in infinite loop ...
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Post by r3i »

"We work in the dark, we do what we can, we give what we have, Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task. The rest: is art of Madness" (H.James)
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