Dear folk:
I modify the CGUIFont.h and the CGUIFont.cpp let they can use the
D3DFont to draw the chinese. but I got a problem when doing the GUI stuff.
So anyone has some idea.
ps:sorry for my english.
ps:if anyone need the source code . I will post it lately.
About the Chinese font
Here is the CGUIFont.hwq wrote:would u plz post the source code?
Code: Select all
// Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in Irrlicht.h
#include "../include/IGUIFont.h"
#include "../include/irrString.h"
#include "../include/IVideoDriver.h"
#include "../include/array.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
class CGUIFont : public IGUIFont
//! constructor
CGUIFont(video::IVideoDriver* Driver);
//! destructor
virtual ~CGUIFont();
//! loads a font file
bool load(const c8* filename);
//! loads a font file
bool load(io::IReadFile* file);
//! draws an text and clips it to the specified rectangle if wanted
virtual void draw(const wchar_t* text, const core::rect<s32>& position, video::SColor color, bool hcenter=false, bool vcenter=false, const core::rect<s32>* clip=0);
//! returns the dimension of a text
virtual core::dimension2d<s32> getDimension(const wchar_t* text);
//! load & prepare font from ITexture
bool loadTexture(video::ITexture* texture);
video::IVideoDriver* Driver;
core::array< core::rect<s32> > Positions;
video::ITexture* Texture;
s32 WrongCharacter;
// This is for the D3D font
// The Font object
ID3DXFont *pD3DFont;
IDirect3DDevice8 *pD3DDevice;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr
Last edited by ttom on Mon Feb 09, 2004 2:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
Here is the CGUIFont.cppwq wrote:would u plz post the source code?
Code: Select all
// Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in Irrlicht.h
#include "CGUIFont.h"
#include "../include/os.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
//! constructor
CGUIFont::CGUIFont(video::IVideoDriver* driver)
: Driver(driver), Positions(382), Texture(0), WrongCharacter(0)
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (Driver)
// The Font object
// Create the font
ZeroMemory(&LogFont, sizeof(LogFont));
strcpy(LogFont.lfFaceName, "Arial Unicode MS");
LogFont.lfHeight = -16;
D3DXCreateFontIndirect(pD3DDevice, &LogFont, &pD3DFont);
//! destructor
if (Driver)
if (Texture)
// Release D3D font
if(pD3DFont!= NULL)
//! loads a font file
bool CGUIFont::load(io::IReadFile* file)
if (!Driver)
return false;
return loadTexture(Driver->getTexture(file));
//! loads a font file
bool CGUIFont::load(const c8* filename)
if (!Driver)
return false;
return loadTexture(Driver->getTexture(filename));
//! load & prepare font from ITexture
bool CGUIFont::loadTexture(video::ITexture* texture)
if (!texture)
return false;
Texture = texture;
s32 pitch = texture->getPitch();
core::dimension2d<s32> size = texture->getDimension();
s32 lowerRightPostions = 0;
if (texture->getColorFormat() == video::EHCF_R5G5B5)
s16* p = (s16*)texture->lock();
if (!p)
os::Warning::print("Could not lock texture while preparing texture for a font.");
return false;
s16 colorTopLeft = *p;
s16 colorLowerRight = *(p+1);
s16 colorBackGround = *(p+2);
s16 colorBackGroundWithAlphaTrue = (0x1<<15) | (~(0x1<<15) & colorBackGround);
s16 colorBackGroundWithAlphaFalse = (0x0<<15) | (~(0x1<<15) & colorBackGround);
s16 colorFont = (0x1<<15) | (~(0x1<<15) & video::RGB16(255,255,255));
*(p+1) = colorBackGround;
*(p+2) = colorBackGround;
// start parsing
core::position2d<s32> pos(0,0);
c8* row = (c8*)((void*)p);
for (pos.Y=0; pos.Y<size.Height; ++pos.Y)
p = (s16*)((void*)row);
for (pos.X=0; pos.X<size.Width; ++pos.X)
if (*p == colorTopLeft)
*p = colorBackGroundWithAlphaFalse;
Positions.push_back(core::rect<s32>(pos, pos));
if (*p == colorLowerRight)
if (Positions.size()<=(u32)lowerRightPostions)
return false;
*p = colorBackGroundWithAlphaFalse;
Positions[lowerRightPostions].LowerRightCorner = pos;
if (*p == colorBackGround)
*p = colorBackGroundWithAlphaFalse;
*p = colorFont;
row += pitch;
// Positions parsed.
// output warnings
if (!lowerRightPostions || !Positions.size())
os::Warning::print("The amount of upper corner pixels or lower corner pixels is == 0, font file may be corrupted.");
if (lowerRightPostions != (s32)Positions.size())
os::Warning::print("The amount of upper corner pixels and the lower corner pixels is not equal, font file may be corrupted.");
if (Positions.size() > 127)
WrongCharacter = 127;
return (!Positions.empty() && lowerRightPostions);
//! returns the dimension of a text
core::dimension2d<s32> CGUIFont::getDimension(const wchar_t* text)
core::dimension2d<s32> dim(0, Positions[0].getHeight());
u32 n;
for(const wchar_t* p = text; *p; ++p)
n = (*p) - 32;
if ( n > Positions.size())
n = WrongCharacter;
dim.Width += Positions[n].getWidth();
return dim;
SIZE size_01;
int iret;
iret = GetTextExtentPoint32W(
hDC, // handle to device context
text, // pointer to text string
wcslen(text), // number of characters in string
&size_01 // pointer to structure for string size
//core::dimension2d<s32> dim(, (;
core::dimension2d<s32> dim(,;
return dim;
core::dimension2d<s32> dim(0, Positions[0].getHeight());
u32 n;
for(const wchar_t* p = text; *p; ++p)
n = (*p) - 32;
if ( n > Positions.size())
n = WrongCharacter;
dim.Width += Positions[n].getWidth();
return dim;
//! draws an text and clips it to the specified rectangle if wanted
void CGUIFont::draw(const wchar_t* text, const core::rect<s32>& position, video::SColor color, bool hcenter, bool vcenter, const core::rect<s32>* clip)
if (!Driver)
// core::position2d<s32> offset = position.UpperLeftCorner;
// core::position2d<s32> textDimension;
// core::dimension2d<s32> dim=getDimension(text);
// textDimension.X=dim.Width;
// textDimension.Y=dim.Height;
// RECT Rect = { offset.X,offset.Y,offset.X+textDimension.X+16,offset.Y+textDimension.Y+2 };
// pD3DFont->Begin();
//g_pFont->DrawText("中文測式Programming is Fun!", -1, &Rect, 0/*DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER*/, 0xFFFFFFFF);
//pD3DFont->DrawTextW(L"中文測式Programming is Fun!", -1, &Rect, 0/*DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER*/, 0xFFFFFFFF);
// pD3DFont->DrawTextW(text, -1, &Rect, 0/*DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER*/, 0xFFFFFFFF);
// pD3DFont->End();
core::dimension2d<s32> textDimension;
core::position2d<s32> offset = position.UpperLeftCorner;
textDimension = getDimension(text);
if (hcenter || vcenter)
textDimension = getDimension(text);
if (hcenter)
offset.X = ((position.getWidth() - textDimension.Width)>>1) + offset.X;
if (vcenter)
offset.Y = ((position.getHeight() - textDimension.Height)>>1) + offset.Y;
u32 n;
n = (*text) - 32;
if ( n > Positions.size())
n = WrongCharacter;
Driver->draw2DImage(Texture, offset, Positions[n], clip, color, true);
offset.X += Positions[n].getWidth();
if(wcslen(text)< 2)
core::dimension2d<s32> textDimension;
core::position2d<s32> offset = position.UpperLeftCorner;
textDimension = getDimension(text);
if (hcenter || vcenter)
textDimension = getDimension(text);
if (hcenter)
offset.X = ((position.getWidth() - textDimension.Width)>>1) + offset.X;
if (vcenter)
offset.Y = ((position.getHeight() - textDimension.Height)>>1) + offset.Y;
u32 n;
n = (*text) - 32;
if ( n > Positions.size())
n = WrongCharacter;
Driver->draw2DImage(Texture, offset, Positions[n], clip, color, true);
offset.X += Positions[n].getWidth();
core::dimension2d<s32> textDimension;
core::position2d<s32> offset = position.UpperLeftCorner;
textDimension = getDimension(text);
UINT uFormat=0;
if (hcenter || vcenter)
if (hcenter)
offset.X = ((position.getWidth() - textDimension.Width)>>1) + offset.X;
if (vcenter)
offset.Y = ((position.getHeight() - textDimension.Height)>>1) + offset.Y;
//RECT Rect = { offset.X,offset.Y,offset.X+textDimension.Width+(-LogFont.lfHeight),offset.Y+textDimension.Height+textDimension.Height/3};
RECT Rect = { position.UpperLeftCorner.X,position.UpperLeftCorner.Y,position.LowerRightCorner.X,position.LowerRightCorner.Y};
//g_pFont->DrawText("中文測式Programming is Fun!", -1, &Rect, 0/*DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER*/, 0xFFFFFFFF);
//pD3DFont->DrawTextW(L"中文測式Programming is Fun!", -1, &Rect, 0/*DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER*/, 0xFFFFFFFF);
pD3DFont->DrawTextW(text, -1, &Rect, uFormat, color.color);
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr
U need to modify the class of device to get the d3d object or do your way