Need scenenode to render when I need.

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Need scenenode to render when I need.

Post by Dirtbiker »

I need a scenenode to render after the skybox but before the other scenenodes and one to render after the other scenenodes but before the GUI and HUD.
I have been trying to use "scene.registerNodeForRendering(node, ESNRP_SKY_BOX)" but the node just draws with the other nodes.
Could I be setting up this command wrong or is this the wrong method for what I need?
Thank you.
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Post by bitplane »

you need to turn z-write off as well as rendering first if you want your node to be behind all others.
for drawing last, you'll need to draw your node manually with the z-buffer (z-read) disabled
see smaterial reference for z-buffer read/write flags: ... al_8h.html
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Post by Dirtbiker »

I'm sorry, I'm new to coding. What function is for mannual render, "node.render()"? And how is it used? Is it used with the "devices.drawall()" functions or do I need to handle all rendering manually?
Thank you.
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