Which compiler?

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Which compiler?

Post by Aukecomps »

Last edited by Aukecomps on Sun Dec 06, 2015 1:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post by hybrid »

I think it is a really funny technique to earch for a compiler which can compile your buggy code :lol:
I'm pretty confident that there is no such tool! You will have to learn a programming language before your compiler will accept the character strings you present it. But compilers can help during this process: Read and understand their error messages. And for this thing I can really recommend gcc which provides useful error messages. The intel compiler is even better, but free oly under Linux.
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Post by Rohit »

VC Toolkit 2003 7.1 command line compiler(around 27 MBs) is free and produces highly optimized and compact code for irrlicht . Then install Codeblocks IDE latest version(around 3 MBs) . Codeblocks will automatically detect your VC compiler.Unzip Irrlicht so that you get C:\Irrlicht directory structure (i mean rename irrlicht-0.14.0 to Irrlicht).
Now , in Codeblocks
Press F9 (to compile and run)
You ll see a Character in front of you !

For GUI creation , you can use CEGUI library .
O Draconian Devil ! O Lame Saint !
So Dark the Con of Man !
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Post by Aukecomps »

Last edited by Aukecomps on Sun Dec 06, 2015 1:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ced666 »

lol, it's not my code, it's irrlicht which gives the problem
:lol: :lol: :lol:
That's a good one !!
Common, try to solve these errors instead of delegating the fault to somebody else :P What are the errors ?
Irrlicht works perfectly on several compilers, did you even tried to read the tutorials ?

And BTW, Microsoft products doesn't sucks, maybe you don't like their commercial attitude (neither do I) but their products (or at least the visual C++ products) are really good compared to other IDE on the market.
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Post by Aukecomps »

Last edited by Aukecomps on Sun Dec 06, 2015 1:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Aukecomps »

Last edited by Aukecomps on Sun Dec 06, 2015 1:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post by hybrid »

I guess that every compiler is faster than one that does not compile at all (at least if your measure of fast includes only those that really succeed and make all others infinitely slow) :roll:
Apparently your compiler sucks. All the other compilers are working, including most vc++ versions, gcc 3.x and 4.x, and mingw. Intel's icc had some problems when I tried, but definitely fixable. So I see only one compiler here that's not capable of doing what all the others can do. :lol:
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Post by Ced666 »

No, I was totally right. Man. 'never seen such a slow compiler. maybe java is even faster!
even with optimisation for speed, it is the slowest i've tried so far
What are you talking about ? What is slow ? The compilation ? Compilation is slower due to the fact that it embeds a manifest file in the executable (something that is used to avoid versioning problems of dll). Anyway, compile time is less important (for me at least) than the features offered by the debugger for example. The IDE itself also offers some very powerfull tools.
BTW, optimisation for speed doesn't optimise the speed of the compilation :lol: (it is intendend to optimise the speed of the executable that is produced).
it started with just one error complaining about irrlist.h row 68: "Error: can't assign to const variable *this --- errorlevel 1"
Which IDE are you exactly using ? And could you paste the complete message.
I'm afraid it can only display one error a time
I have a serious doubt about that one...
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Post by Aukecomps »

Last edited by Aukecomps on Sun Dec 06, 2015 1:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ced666 »

Did you compile in release mode ? There is a huge difference between the speeds in debug and release mode.
Also, printing numbers is maybe not something that can be compared but you can try some calculations (in the loop, instead of printing, you make a simple operation, like adding two numbers).
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Post by Aukecomps »

Last edited by Aukecomps on Sun Dec 06, 2015 1:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ced666 »

But don't expect too much
Honnestly, I don't care :) . It's not for me, it's up to you to decide which compiler you prefer. My intentions are not to 'convert' you to Microsoft Visual C++ at all :wink:

But a lot of people don't want to use this compiler for the reason that "microsoft sucks". I find this absurd. Try it first and make yourself an opinion and then afterward you can say you don't use it because that or that sucks.

I worked with Visual C++ 6.0, Visual C++ 2005 Express and I also tried Dev-C++. And I really think dev-c++ sucks compared to microsoft products (sorry, I don't want to sart a flame war, I'm just speaking about my personnal experience):
- The auto indentation is totally useless: it makes you lose more time than you gain (almost a line on two, you have to manually correct the indentation, and more, the tabulation works strangely so you have to do it with space)
- The intellisense doesn't work very well because once it is looking for a class member, you have to wait until the little window open before continuing typing (and also, sometimes it's select a word you don't want)
- The debugger really sucks: sometimes it doesn't stop at breakpoints where it should. So how can I debug if I cannot trust my debugger ? And if I remember correctly (not sure about that anymore), there is no callstack and no memory view.
- The IDE itselfs is quite unstable (sometimes you get assertions for no reasons).
- The partial build of your application doesn't work really well. In general, you have to make a full build of your app. It can be very painfull for large applications

And, also, I really don't like the IDE. For me, it is just a advanced notepad with a compiler (but that's just my personal opinion).
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Post by Aukecomps »

Last edited by Aukecomps on Sun Dec 06, 2015 1:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post by hybrid »

Hey Ced, we were comparing compilers, not IDEs. So maybe it would be better to compare with Eclipse?
And Aukecomps, same for you. Dev-cpp is an IDE, Mingw is a compiler. So what are you talking about? Dev-cpp is actually using mingw (resp. gcc).
So as long as you're using Intel chips you should really use the Intel compiler. It's usually the fastest in most benchmarks I came across recently, it offers highly optimized libraries and code generation for Intel compilers. And it features OpenMP and vectorization. But it's only free for Linux, for Windows compilers you have to pay.
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