But there is a new version with a new thread !!!
The latest version of my IrrExtensions now supports
Irrlicht V0.14, V1.0, V1.1 and V1.2 !!!
Now you can protect your meshes with a password !!!
- IAnimatedMeshSceneNode: MultiAnimations
ITerrainSceneNode: creation corrected
IAnimatedMeshSceneNode: CustomBones
IGUIListBox: MultiColor
IGUITabControl: TabAlignment
IGUIEditBox: Password
IGUIScrollBar: getMax()
IGUIProgressBar: new object
IGUIChatBox: new object
IDecalSceneNode: new object
ILensFlareSceneNode: new object (many thanks to Paulo Oliveira)
IGUIButton: seperate text colors and transparency
IGUICheckBox: seperate font and text color
IGUIComboBox: seperate font and text color
IAVIPlayer: new object
ICameraSceneNodeFPS: get/set for Move- and RotateSpeed
getMesh(): password protection for meshes (.x .md2 .ms3d .my3d)