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Post by area51 »

@zndkwin. Dev C++ doesn't like the assert statement in IGameEntity::SetID

Code: Select all

assert ( (val >= m_iNextValidID) && "<BaseGameEntity::SetID>: invalid ID");
You can comment that out as a work around until the next release. It will then run from the .exe.

@lug. I like your little proggie, very cool 8)
Teen vids
Last edited by area51 on Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jayjay122 »

Ok im new so im sorry about this. When i tried opened the hello world project and clicked compile in dev cpp it said this:

[Linker error] undefined reference to `_imp___ZN3irr12createDeviceENS_5video13E_DRIVER_TYPEERKNS_4core11dimension2dIiEEjbbbPNS_14IEventReceiverEPKc'

[Linker error] undefined reference to `_imp___ZN3irr12createDeviceENS_5video13E_DRIVER_TYPEERKNS_4core11dimension2dIiEEjbbbPNS_14IEventReceiverEPKc'

[Linker error] undefined reference to `_imp___ZN3irr12createDeviceENS_5video13E_DRIVER_TYPEERKNS_4core11dimension2dIiEEjbbbPNS_14IEventReceiverEPKc'

i have irrlicht 1.0 installed but its in my actual bin and lib folders of dev c++. should i make a c:\irrlicht instead so it loads files from there? because i kinda was stupid and just overwrited the old irrlicht 0.14 files :oops:


i did install audiere and fmod and openal and all that stuff but the sound stuff always gets errors and i dunno why
irrlicht rules!...but how do you use it?
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Post by area51 »

The Hello world option just creates the Irrlicht Hello World Tutorial 1, it's there just to test things really.

It would be a good idea to create an Irrlicht folder someplace, root of C is fine, then you can unzip each release into there.

As long as the Irrlicht directory structure hasn't changed, and it's pointing to the root of version 0.14.0 or higher, then it should work.

Unzip Irrlicht version 1.0 to root of the C drive,point to that and see if it works.
Last edited by area51 on Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jayjay122 »

thanks but its still weird i got the normal irrlicht hello world up and running fine but your example it keeps going:

C:\Dev-Cpp\IrrWizard-1.0\resources\Projects\GameFrameworkLite\GameManager.o In function `ZN12CGameManager12CreateDeviceEv':

[Linker error] undefined reference to `_imp___ZN3irr12createDeviceENS_5video13E_DRIVER_TYPEERKNS_4core11dimension2dIiEEjbbbPNS_14IEventReceiverEPKc'

[Linker error] undefined reference to `_imp___ZN3irr12createDeviceENS_5video13E_DRIVER_TYPEERKNS_4core11dimension2dIiEEjbbbPNS_14IEventReceiverEPKc'

ld returned 1 exit status

C:\Dev-Cpp\IrrWizard-1.0\resources\Projects\HelloWorld\ [Build Error] [GameFramework.exe] Error 1

is there any other things this program needs for audio and stuff, or do i need to alter the code?

for some reason its always the audio...
irrlicht rules!...but how do you use it?
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Post by area51 »

Ah, OK. What is suppose to happen is that you run the application, IrrWizard.exe, and fill in the fields on each wizard page.

The first field is the location of the Irrlicht SDk root folder C:/irrlicht/irrlicht-1.0 for example.The second field is the projects name, ie myProject.

Click next, select 'hello world', click next again.

The last page is the location you want the project you're creating to go, leave it as the deafult, or c:/myproject or something.

then finish.

It should create a fully working project in the folder you specified.

You wont be able to go to the IrrWizard/resources/Projects/HelloWorld folder and compile the project files in there directly. The project file gets built up from the information you put into the wizard fields when you run the application.

Hope this helps
Last edited by area51 on Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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irr demo

Post by zndkwin »

thanks area51! The exe file now executes, but i think theres a problem with it since it the map isnt rendered properly, like if it was in clipping mode, and the some menu options dont work. What could be the prob?
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Post by area51 »

It could be running in SOFTWARE mode, ALT+TAB and see what driver it says it's using in the log.

It gets it from the config.xml file in the same folder as the .exe. make sure you have one of those and that the driver type is valid. It defaults to SOFTWARE renderer if cant find the config.xml or an invalid driver is used.
options are :
  • OpenGL
    Irrlicht Software
    Apfelbaum Software
Hope this helps
Yamaha xv1000
Last edited by area51 on Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by zndkwin »

yes it worked! But how exactly is the game supposed to work? I cant climb ladders or jump, cant reload, and the caleb character keeps defeating the player
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Post by lug »

[quote="zndkwin"]yes it worked! But how exactly is the game supposed to work? I cant climb ladders or jump, cant reload, and the caleb character keeps defeating the player[/quote]

??? Lug doesn't understand zndkwin. It's not a full fledge game. There's just enough there to demonstrate what can be done using the generated code from irrWizard. From that point, it's up to you to make it your own (i.e. swap out the health bar pic and replace with your own for example or change the model up or add in new camera system or make a remake of metroid or something). :)

area, I'm in the middle of making the program more generic. Maybe I can get it to the point where you can run it on irrlicht in addition to irrWizard and it'll generate the appropriate tab and info for that particular source package.

I was thinking of adding in a media viewer too...making it truely all-in-one place for doc/code info. :)

But that will have to wait until after lug gets back from out-of-town trip. :( Unless of course, lug gets run over by a bus or something. :cry:
Computer Guru
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Post by Computer Guru »

You may want to make it clear that the path to irrlicht sDk may not contain spaces either.......
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Post by jayjay122 »

thanks it works now, except it just loads up and quits :? also does the project directory have to be with no spaces too? or just the irrlicht engine?
irrlicht rules!...but how do you use it?
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Post by area51 »

@lug Thanks for your reply, and dont get knocked down by any buses real soon :? Good luck with your trip

@zndkwin It's only meant to be a start, as lug suggested, you will have to inplement lots of extra functionality yourself. Thats the fun part of it though.

@Computer Guru. Yes absolutly, at the very least I will add text to the effect if I cant find a way around the whitespaces problem.

@jayjay122 Probably quits because of the 'assert' command in IGameEntity::SetID, you can comment this line out. See a few posts above. The white spaces thing, not allowed in either Irrlicht path or Project name.

If you guys find any more problems, then don't hesitate to post here, i'll try to help/fix where possible.

Good luck
Satanism, the church of satan dicussion
Last edited by area51 on Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jayjay122 »

thanks for helping area51 it works now :) this is a awesome tool!
irrlicht rules!...but how do you use it?
Computer Guru
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Post by Computer Guru »

If _DEBUG is not defined in the preprocessor, the entire project seems to fail.
If _DEBUG is there, all optimizations fail, adding them results in compile-time errors.
If it's not, the shooting bug is back and/or it crashes if not run from within VC++ on run.
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Post by Zeft »

hi, i'm currently using irrwizard 1.0,
as in the tutorial i tried to create another level using the easiest way which is copying file GameStateLevel01.cpp and GameStateLevel01.h and rename it to GameEditState.cpp & .h. i've done all the search and replace. the only different is that i didnt load the enemy and didnt create any pick ups,( i just comment it out).
the problem is when i change to this new state(CGameEditState), sometime it crash(after a few minute), and sometime it doesnt(i've tried for almost an hour). is some thing i've miss ??

another question : when i shoot
if (node->getID() == ID_ENEMY )
// hit an enemy, not a wall
CGameEnemy* enemy = pWeapon->getGameManager()->getEnemyManager()->GetEntityFor(ENTITY_MERC);
enemy->setHealth(enemy->getHealth() - pWeapon->getDamage());
pWeapon->getGameManager()->getFXManager()->createGenericParticleEffect(pWeapon->getGameManager(), pWeapon->getGameManager()->getWeaponManager()->getTargetsPosition(pWeapon->getGameManager()), "media/particle.bmp", 300, pWeapon->getDamage());
} else
pWeapon->getGameManager()->getWeaponManager()->createExplosion( pWeapon->getGameManager(), pWeapon->getGameManager()->getWeaponManager()->getTargetsPosition(pWeapon->getGameManager()) );
it detect enemy node and non enemy(ie wall.) what happen when i shoot the skybox ? is it being handled?
cause when i shoot the side skybox(other than up and down skybox) the game crashed. when i fell from the level(going straigth down) and then i shoot the side skybox the game crashed.

sory for my bad english.
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