I quit my job today for irrlicht

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Post by CuteAlien »

You're gonna stop the government and make us rich? High targets ;-)

The glove sounds basicly like another input system. So if you have input drivers for linux/windows it won't be hard for other people to use it. Irrlicht itself does not add much in the way of support for input devices. Basicly it just does send some events for that stuff. In your case i guess you could use the glove to simulate several axes and buttons with it. For example one axis for each finger joint.

Well i wish you good luck with your project. I did something similar (quit my job) a few months ago, though i just work on a game now. I think with 25 you're not only allowed to take some risk, but imho even a lot more people _should_ do that :-).
Last edited by CuteAlien on Sun May 28, 2006 1:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by vermeer »

Much good luck. But mostly enjoy the freedom...And remember, you can enjoy it and also work hard on the project :)
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Post by needforhint »

that is interesting, I am just imaging how it would work, there must be relative translation of all points at glow, and a gess you also have some outside point that is used for translation of whole glow in world space, if so, movinge the hand with glow would couse looking up(holding a gun in it) and so, camera target will be glow target... how many transform points(nodes) ate there on the glow? do you have a hand 3d model already? a vertex shader will have to do it I gess, or an input tansformed bones?
what is this thing...
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Post by deesine »

Heavy stuff mate, best of luck :)
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Post by vermeer »

You'r doing what i'd love to do...still I am here like a rat coward supporting bosses's continuous abuse...

My congratulations, certainly.

I had said already; I just think it needed to be said twice ;) Specially even more cause you say is you don't like the use being made for the radars. Kudos, sincerelly. But besides, for being able to try YOUR own way. If more of us were like you, not so many exploiters could survive out there...

Go for it!
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Post by FlyHigh »

Haven't visited these forums for a while...

First of all; all the best I hope it all goes well.

But I am just a little concerned, your last post seemed a bit delusional (for a lack of better words) This glove with motion sensors? Government cover ups, making irrlicht programmers rich?

I get the whole glove idea thing, but surely a glove like that wouldn't exist unless suffient drivers had been created first, if you have the glove why not the drivers? If you made it yourself then why didn't you create the drivers alongside creating the glove? From your story it sounds like its stolen which would also give you reason to leave your job, hmmm... the plot thickens.

I don't want a discussion on government cover-ups, I'll just take your word for it :)

Stopping goverment actions? I wish you good luck, can't really say anything else.

Making irrlicht programmers? I can't comprehend how you can make people who use an public graphics engine rich, its not like theres an application process to start learning irrlicht or anything.

Anyways sorry if I seem negative, you've obviously made a life change so hope its for the best.
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I am compelled to answer your questions

Post by juliusctw »

I am very compelled to answer all your questions, i'll just answer some

in terms of the glove, it only has a bunch of callback functions right now, we are trying to figure out what kinda application it has in gaming. If its not obvious enough ,yes i already have the glove.

How am i going to make irrlicht programmers rich? I cannot tell you anything without giving away what i'm really building. If I get funding, i am hiring people from this forum.. Probably Vermeer cus he seems to not enjoy his job very much and he is very talented, (althought i'm not sure what he is talented in) Hey either way, it either does nothing, or you wi'll be rich, nothing to lose there right? ?

Stopping the government , Yes, definitely , I can talk a little about that. The gov has a large control over "information", hum.... i might get arrested for saying that.

(must watch V for Vendetta)_
if you are really really curious... watch this 9/11 documentary too
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 3762628848

Anyway, we need to havie the freedom to information that is unstopable (such as the internet) already has change that, but not enough. I am setting out to change that. "somehow with irrlicht" 8)

gov cover up, hum...... i should probably shut up about how much or how little i think of our government.

yes, i have made a life changing decision, and I love every second of it.
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Post by vermeer »

If I get funding, i am hiring people from this forum.. Probably Vermeer cus he seems to not enjoy his job very much and he is very talented, (althought i'm not sure what he is talented in)
...talented, they say, at graphics ;) All sort of them, 2d, 3d, animation, pixel art, drawing(heck I even model with clay or terracota). A whole life dedicated to it (at the thirties now) . Indeed was initially just a realistic oil painter and comic creator trying to become a game company employee (after not being able to publish comics(I don't like drawing manga, they asked me for that..nothing against it;just is not my style in drawing) and being realistic painting not "IN" ).

Now after knowing well what is a game company, I am trying to be 'only' a freelance(so, free) person :)

Fact is, lately I am doing only stuff I get paid for. Which I must confess, I truely don't like.(Doing ONLY that, I mean. if you look the load of times I have helped here (well,and via PMs) you'd see I'm not for the buck, is not my natural tendency, is just my forced situation now)

Why I do this? I am saving enough $ to be 2, maybe 3 years non depending on bosses, and doing my best to say goodbye for long time or for ever to that of just working so hard days for make some non-qualified bosses earn millions they dunnot deserve, for the sort of personal treatment to employees , and their lack of knowledge. I do have known really talented people in the way of the suffering, though...and really good persons. Friends made so are for ever :)

So, I can only wish luck to someone doing stuff in that line. And specially in your case.

pd: About hiring me...Totally! I'm allways looking for bucks. But for now and in quite long time, I am afraid must be up front, as am quite in the air.. (if moment arrives, just PM me. Or do whenever, I liked your sense of humour in that website ;) )

Oh, btw. Excuse my huge curiosity. I went to your site... (i think THIS would be a nice chance to learn a bit of python (as the only time I tried some coding was with vb;a friend of mine told me to learn python instead...Now, I don't have time for any of those, lol)) ...and saw you have a Calculus book, just like I do have (long story..started maths career, but left it. I oficially forgot every little learning from there, not intentionally... :) Fine arts made me forget it. Maybe.)
And really nice detail you like Spanish ;)
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Post by juliusctw »

Hey Vermeer

You are exactly what i'm looking for, You are the first person i'll contact when i get some funding. Right now, i am "borrowing" mesh left and right, but eventually, I will need to have a set of my own.

the programming aspect of the project takes up all concentrate because we believe that mesh can be inserted later.

Anyway, i'm glad you saw the video lectures I have taught on line , I don't know which calculus book you are talking about though, do you mean the linear system book?
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Post by yourself »

I'm all up for getting rich...

but from viewing your progress on that 'game' your making I think the government will just laugh in your face. I can see how you are going to make some kind of crazy statement with your game.

Don't get your hopes up....

and I'm not trying to piss you off I'm just saying, don't get your hopes up.
Don't take it the wrong way...
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Post by juliusctw »


Thanks for you sincere comment,

I agree with you completely, that game is not what's going to stop the gov. What I have shown so far is designed not to let people know what i'm actually building.

I have more to say about the comment of getting your hopes up.

A lot of People are afraid to get their hopes up. This is exactly why so many people are afraid to leave their miserable life. They are afraid to get their hopes up that a possible better life is ahead of them.

It is not up to anybody else but themselves where they will head in the future. Yet, they are afraid of not reaching it. So they never try. Some try a little, but they never got their hopes up so they quit easily. I am not a stupid person, it is illogical but there is so much value in faith. Do you know how much faith it takes to head towards a direction of not knowing? Do you know how much more courage it takes to have nothing but hope? Do you think a life is worth living when you don't follow what your heart tells you?

Nay, i tell you one thing, everybody's heart tells them that they can be great. Everybody's heart tells them they can become more. Have you accomplished everything you have ever wanted? Have you seen everything you wanted to see? If not.,,, why are you not doing it??

If you don't get your hopes up on big things, are you saying that one should get their hopes up for small things?

We think that we can't do it, we think that we can't do it so much that we are afraid to even think about it. Cus to think about it means that you have the hope that it might actually come true. All of the sudden having hope is now scary.

My friends, I encourage you to dream. ,,, and dream big.... if you have enough courage to dream ,, sooner or later you will let your fear go and do something about it. . .
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Post by vermeer »

With that I fully agree also.

Though lack of money tends to easily put the scary colouring to all ;)
Which makes one think small (small but 'safe' $...then to realize safe is a relative term. Stability, an illussion. Or a possibility once the money is there, but never comes as one thought, if it ever comes.As all in life.)

I totally agree in the main philosophy.

I though when I was 6 years old I could never ever bring an imaginated character to life (drawn) .Started drawning and at 11 I saw I could. By then, though could never draw a comic, but years later I could, easily. But was contraint by only b/w, no colour. Colour wasn't made for me. Later on, I became an oil painter. I had a dream by then, seing no real market in traditional skills... being able to do game graphics. Back in..probably...1986. I started with spectrum...was trying to decide for coding or those Data Read things (I actually did the gfx by painting quad per pixel in a paper, then passing the coords of each pixel)...the graphics. Decided I had a too badly ordered mind to continue coding. Now I consider myself professional in gfx. And well, is not my dream anymore. ALL of these I thought were crazy dream non possible to be achieved.And less, by me. But you see. To discover there's nothing magic around it. And that the only real passion is building an story, while all the rest are simple techniques.I started in those pursuits thinking I was heading to a dead end, but was gonna be a funny path. But usually things are doable.Some of the craziest, also ;)

A bit of having feet in the ground is good, too. I only go for small bets, after all now. And that wont change for a time. And yup, is not the best thing to do. But after all, everything is made of life circumstances.

So, yeah. Think big.

calculus math? book I saw in your movie ;)
I had one for the math career.Was math analysis, if is said so in english (I speak a foreign language)
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Post by juliusctw »

Hello Vermeer

thank you for the support, what other language do you speak? english is not my native language too.

i still have no clue which calculus book you are talking about, can you sent me the link?

do you have a site of your own with all the work you have done, i am very interested to see your work
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Post by omaremad »

I havent read all the text but i wish you the best of luck

anyway to the glove thing. i didnt read what it is going to be used for but i quickly rembered seeing a device called a power glove on the internet

its basically a strain resitor for each finger on the glove connected to a resistor bridge giving an output voltage proportional to how much each finger has bent

accleorometers are quiet small and would detect relative movement of the hand

your best api would be something that can recieve raw volatge data, i have seen this ussaully done through a com port
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Post by vermeer »

Hello Vermeer

thank you for the support, what other language do you speak? english is not my native language too.

i still have no clue which calculus book you are talking about, can you sent me the link?

do you have a site of your own with all the work you have done, i am very interested to see your work
Hi, Julius.

I speak Spanish :)

About the site...I don't have one, haven't indeed for years...I am these late days re-buidling my portfolio, and now that I am making that, I'll probably put it up in a site, so I can show :)
I'll remember to PM you with the link, once I have it all up :)

Oh, the book...I can tell I read the word "calculus" ..I don't remember now which video file was... So I supposed it was that old math analysis book...
Finally making games again!
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