Particle Editor (current version: debug 0.2.162)

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Post by nutpor »

Great Work :D , how about adding particle affector?
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Post by afecelis »

Yup, great work! :D
And I agree, adding gravity affector sliders would be cool.

I got one question; does it output the code of your visually generated particle? I've checked all of the options and haven't found one :(
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Post by Rambus »

"And to be added:
* Saving of all current particle systems in the world to a c++ style document."

Guess we just have to wait :)

Great project deesine, It's really looking good.
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Post by afecelis »

Thanks for the info Rambus. I'm pretty bad with the "readmes" and "todo" lists :oops: . I even miss important stuff in Irrlicht's releases!! :wink:

anyway, it's a pretty darn cool project! :D
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Post by deesine »

Thanks for the comments all.

This, small project that I had first intended it to be, has really grown into something of a bigger project for me. And the feedback from you guys and my idéas keeps me going.

Jin, Rambus - Thanks guys :)

afecelis, nutpor - Admittedly there's a few features of the particle systems I still have to take a closer look at and implement sometime, to give user complete control. The affectors being a couple of those features, and possibility of using createPointEmitter instead of createBoxEmitter.

Regarding the save features, v0.1 has a c++ save function, found in the File menu, saves the current particle system to ParticleSystem.cpp in a basic way, it just fills a preset string with values from the system. However, one thing I have to take a closer look at is the fact that Irrlicht seems to change the relative path to the last folder you loaded something from, like a texture. So if you've loaded a different texture for the particle system, the cpp file will be saved in that folder.

And I never imagined this being a sticky, thanks, that's great motivation for me :D

And a couple of things I thought of yesterday, that could be implemented relatively easy:
  • * Slider controls for offsetting the 3d cursor for more precise placement (inside geometry for instance).
    * Saving 3d cursor positions for later use.
    * Billboard placement.
I've updated the first post with easy access to download links and todo/feature list etc.
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Post by deesine »

My solution to the relative path issue, I've set the editor to always load from workdir/textures/particles, so you have to copy any new textures there. Any thoughts on this is welcome :)

Code: Select all

void ParticleSystem::setParticleTexture(stringc &texture)
  //! Get only the name of the texture.
  s32 pos = texture.findLast('/');
  stringc fileName;
  if(pos > -1)
    fileName = texture.subString(pos+1, strlen(texture.c_str()));
    fileName = texture;

  //! Set the full texture path, this will ALWAYS be in the particles dir. No matter where you load from.
  stringc fullTextureName = workDir;
  fullTextureName += L"textures\\particles\\";
  fullTextureName += fileName;

  printf("Texture name set to: %s\n", fullTextureName.c_str());

  m_particleTexture = fullTextureName;
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Post by drac_gd »

Its a good solution and the way most people would expect it to be. This is a great tool and I expecially want to thank you for releasing the source. Particle effects are soon in my project and I was thinking of making a kind of life fountain of effects in town square that changes randomly. Your project is DAM COOL.


Umm would be great if I could specify the output directory so the ouput of the particle editor goes directy into my project folder :)
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Post by deesine »

Thanks drac_gd, that put a big smile on my face :D
I hope you find the editor useful.

I wanted to share some of todays updates with you guys, I've made some revisions to the ui, decreased the alpha a little, and added a bigger font.
And I have now added controls for gravity and fade-out affectors (which, as you might notice, are *squeezed* into the ui atm, not so pretty), which works for saving & loading in presets as well, of course ;)
This however means that v0.1 presets will not be compatible with v0.2, well, I guess they could be loaded theoretically in my mind, but I wouldn't count on it. I will provide some presets for v0.2 though :)

This thing with multiple-particle systems has really gotten me to think of adding some kind of sets, let's say for instance that you build a waterfall consisting of several emitters, it would be great to add them to a set called "waterfall". But I think that'd require quite a bit of work, so I'll see when I take that on. I'll add it to my todo-list however.

Screenshot of current ui:
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Post by afecelis »

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Post by deesine »

:D @ afecelis

V0.2 pre-release 1 is now available: download

Please try it out, have a look around and get a sense for how it feels to use and work with. I gave it a stress test and had 120 emitters in the same scene, flipping back and forth around settings and I expected it to crash but I guess I wasn't screwing around enough for that to happen :)

One thing I can reproduce a crash with though, is loading presets after loading my environment, haven't figured out why yet, but if I just load the presets first, it's fine, from what I've noticed.

Anyone is welcome to test it, report bugs, and comment on features, what you'd like to see changed and so forth.

A couple of things about scenery (pk3, dmf):
PK3 files are loaded with the following assumptions:
The file name of the archive is map-filename.pk3,
and the name of the map is filename.bsp

If the dmf loader tries to load textures from the dmf-files' parent folder, place the map in a subfolder to the textures, it should work.
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Post by afecelis »

problems with the link :(
If you want you can email it to me and I'll mirror it :D
Posts: 104
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Post by deesine »

Hm, strange. I've just tested it, I guess my host is down now and then. But I'll email a copy :)

Apparently not
SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data:
host []:
552 5.7.0 Illegal Attachment i12si3704995wxd
Please give the link above another try :?
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Post by deesine »

Thanks to afecelis, version 0.2 pre-release 1 is now finally available on a probably more reliable download location.

I'd like some comments before releasing next version, so I can fix bugs and implement features that suites the needs of anyone who might be interested in using this tool in the future.

Download from afecelis' mirror
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Post by deesine »

A real absence of replies, I must say. I think it might have something to do with finals and summer vacation coming up :)

I'm moving south for the summer myself next week, so it'll probably be a week or so until I get my hands on a computer, but I'll continue this project as soon as I can.

I spent a little while booting up a knoppix live cd and messed around with compiling the editor for linux, just had to make some adjustments to the source, but here's the initial result for those interested: Image

I personally prefer working in a linux environment whenever I can.
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Post by Kannon »

I get a strange error. The error is

"The Procedure entry point
could not be located in the dynamic link library Irrlicht.dll

I can compile things ok, I don't see why this wouldn't work. It fails on my laptop and my desktop. Any ideas?
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