Hurry~~Bones animated model export problem!

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Hurry~~Bones animated model export problem!

Post by moonshine721 »

I build an animated model by 3dsmax7,And export it to .X formats by the "PandaDXExport6.dle" plug in.And the model is looked all right in the directx meshviewer.but as long as I load it in Irrlicht,the model doesn't work at all!
Is there Any guy who knows how to export a right model(any kinds of format) for Irrlicht with bones animation?
HI.I'm Chrisalane.Nice to meet many crazy game developer here.
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Post by Blizzard »

the 3d designer of my team has the same problem!!!!!!

Damn PANDA, we try all the options but the results are impressive!!!

We have a small mesh and big bones
We have a totally deformed mesh
We have a.... don't know :x

If your problem is only the rotations, active the checkbox LeftHanded Axis..

Export only in text mode!
and check sub frame hierarchy

so, try to export.
May you are lucky!!!!
We had some functional models... but I don't know why!!!!! :lol:

Listen to me... Try also to make a model with many meshes.
An arm is a mesh, a hand is another mesh. In this way every part of the body is linked to only one bone.
In this way I can export correctly!!!
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Post by moonshine721 »

Any way .How does the Irrlicht 0.14.0 found so many kinds of Bone animated models just working very well? Never mind what kind . .md3,.md2,.x,.3ds...............I just wanna my model animating
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Post by hybrid »

I really did not get any sense from that last posting, but there have been many, many postings on this subject. Even with screenshots for the properties to set.
And please mind that .3ds files do not support animations yet.
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Post by moonshine721 »

Sorry for my bad Englsh.But I'm twisted by this problem for very long time.And i just dont know how to export bones animation which Irrlicht can load!
anyone who can help me?I'll Send him my model by email.(made by 3dsmax7)[/url]
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Post by terrorchrist »

I also had very strange problems with the panda directx exporter - so I do not use it anymore.

anyway: there are three hints I can give to you if you are developing in 3ds max

1) collapse the total "modifier stack" so that there is only the mesh before you export!
2) do not use bones to animate your model but the biped (character studio) as biped exports work (relatively) fine whereas exporting any models with bone animations was absolutely impossible for me at least
3) if your meshviewer can display the x-file and irrlicht cannot try my favourite hint: use the mview.exe to load and display the mesh and save it with this program - afterwards it COULD work (It was like this when I developed under truevision 3d - gently caress THE DAMN funking TRUEVISIION 3d ENGINE by the way ^^ *rofl* sorry...)

if you do not have the mview.exe as it is not shipped anymore with the directx9 sdk try this link :wink:

hope my hints work for you ^^
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Thank u terrorchrist~

Post by moonshine721 »

I've found a great solution~~~~~~~That is the"ActorX_220_Max7" plugin for UNREAL ENGINE. It works very well with Irrlicht.Even can export skinned Biped mesh animations~
HI.I'm Chrisalane.Nice to meet many crazy game developer here.
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Post by TheGameMaker »

somewhere i´ve heared, that bonechains with more than 3 bones give errors.. try to reduce the lenght of bonechains....
but i got the same problem. Does this UT-exporter even work with Max8?

"The ActorX plugins are used to export skeletal meshes and their animations to binary file formats (.psk and .psa, respectively) that the Unreal Editor can import."
can irrlicht load THIS formats???
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