The Frequently Asked Questions

If you are a new Irrlicht Engine user, and have a newbie-question, this is the forum for you. You may also post general programming questions here.

Post by Guest »

maybe you can add this to the faq under "Material Color/Lighting" ... 8831#58831

and maybe more things can be added!


Probably a dumb question, but....

Post by Ryoshi »

...i'm having real trouble getting anything to work in Dev C++. Specifically, I can't find the three libraries that I'm supposed to use for compiling/linking. I don't know if this is just somewhere on the site that I'm not finding, or there's some other reason, but I could really use some help.

Thanks in advance.
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Post by afecelis »

did you look in Irrlicht's lib\win32-gcc folder?
you'll find libIrrlicht.a and libIrrlicht.def required for Devc++ there.

Post by Ryoshi »

Ah, yes, thank you. I was just confused because the first tutorial says that there should be three files in a folder called DevC++. But if that's all I need, then thank you very much for your help.
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Windows Window Icon

Post by zenaku »

Under windows, it's not very obvious how to change the icon that Irrlicht displays in the main window title bar. By default, Irrlicht loads the file "irr.ico" from the same directory that the executable is running from.

The icon shown in the windows explorer is stored inside the exe as a binary resource as usual.

I'm assuming there will be a device->setWindowIcon() in some future irrlicht release? :) Storing the irr.ico with the exe is the only way I know to set the icon for irrlicht's default window.

Post by Guest »

RiChArD_fLoOd wrote:
exal wrote:Well I have the irrlicht engine running for XBOX. It's not that hard to get to run.
really? how did u manage that plz could u share it with us
Yes how did you do it? :shock: Is it easy?
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Post by xDan »

I've had a problem with loading x files from blender for a while. I thought it was with the normals, but turns out eveything looks nice when I enable ambient lighting!

Code: Select all

	ILightSceneNode *mainLight = info->smgr->addLightSceneNode(camera, vector3df(10000,1000,0), SColorf(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), 10000.0f);
	SLight &slight = mainLight->getLightData();
	slight.AmbientColor = SColorf(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5);
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Post by fullforce »

The Relo compile tutorials are down I could really use them right now to get started, so if someone could upload them that would be great :)
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Post by afecelis »

It's been long since I ever used Relo. I decided to take the tuts down since Codeblocks became a more complete IDE, hence a better alternative. I dunno if Relo2 fixed the adding lib folders problem, I haven't checked it.
But anyway, i think I also erased the tuts from my drives so there's no trace of them at all. Maybe my scrap notes of them; let me try to find them....

found it! How to compile the Irrlicht dll with Relo and the msvctoolkit 2003: ... piling.dat

If I find anything else I'll link it here.
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Post by fullforce »

Ok thanks :) btw you mentioned a way of compiling with codeblocks, is there a manual to compiling it and a place I could get it?
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Post by afecelis »

sure! It's the tutorial that replaced Relo:
Codeblocks is more versatile on adding folders.

might be a bit outdated but still works ok. You'll need the Msvc toolkit2003 which is no longer available from MS so I hope you got a backup of it somewhere :wink:
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Post by fullforce »

Well, is there any current way to compile the engine and create a quality decent level game with enough polys or is the engine dead??
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Post by afecelis »

I'm not sure to understand what you bean by "is the engine dead". Irrlicht is constantly in development; probably not at the speed you'd wish since Niko is its only developer but new versions are released in a very reasonable spectrum of time. About creating a decent game level, it's all up to you and how much dedication and time you put into creating it. Irrlicht can handle lots of formats that let artists be creative with a wide range of tools that go from blender to 3dsmax or Giles and Wings3d. Irrlicht can handle almost anything you throw at it at very decent frame rates.
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Post by gfxstyler »

how about locking this thread and only add FAQ related stuff?

this thread shouldnt be for questions ...
Posts: 55
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Post by fullforce »

Sorry It's just that your making all the ways of compiling it so people can start developing sound old, so I figured there was a new one, if codeblocks is the best current version and the Msvc toolkit2003 is no longer available from Microsoft is there a place I can get it (I'm sure that will be a frequently asked Q)