Missing D3dx8core.h and d3dx8tex.h

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Missing D3dx8core.h and d3dx8tex.h

Post by Nova »

Hey everyone,

I wanted to extend the Engine and rebuild it afterwards.
I downloaded the newest Dx SDK and linked everything correctly, i guess.

But still the compiler complains about two files missing - D3dx8core.h and d3dx8tex.h.

I commented the latter and it seemed to be no problem, but the former is required but cannot be found. In my SDK dir there is only a D3dx9core.h but when I include that one, even more error occur.

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

so long
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Location: Vienna

Post by terrorchrist »

the problem is simply that you have installed a directx 9.x sdk and that irrlicht unfortunately still uses these two headers of the directx 8.1 sdk.

so you need this 8.1 sdk. I need it too, but I cannot find any download link...

has anyone an idea where to download them?
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Joined: Sun Apr 23, 2006 12:16 am

Post by ebol666 »

You dont need to compile the engine with all the drivers, for ex, I'm only using D3D9 driver. Anyway, the simplest solution for your problem is:

in the source, find a file named: IrrCompileConfig.h. Open it, then find a line thats says:


and simply comment/delete it.

Save changes, and rebuildt.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask
Posts: 13
Joined: Fri May 26, 2006 5:05 pm

Post by Chandler »

Or you can go here

It's in chinese so just use babel fish to translate it


and download the dirext X 8 SDK, it'll have the missing files, and you can just dump them in with the other DX9 files :wink:
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