IrrExtensions >> not for V1.3 !!!

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Post by hybrid »

Hey Acki, aren't your exensions Open Source? What are you trying to do? It could help to explicitly state the conditions for usage of your extensions to avoid copyright infringements when adding them to private projects. If I cannot distribute my projects anymore after I have compiled them with your extension compiler (you know I'd never do, I have patch :wink: ) I'd be rather unhappy with it.
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Post by Acki »

No, no, it's all free !!! ;)
Except of my IrrExtensions all other progs are also open source...
(the extensions itself are open source)

I was just offended, because he simply hosted my web sites and progs without asking me if he's allowed to do this !!!

I don't think you where happy if I go to your site and simply host your works on my server without asking you, where you !?!?!

I wrote him a PM for clearing this - and it's clear now !!!
Now he's allowed to host IrrExt, but I gave my permission only because my site seems not to be accessable from China...
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Post by hybrid »

If you publish your code under zlib (which I assume for most Irrlicht add-ons) you cannot enforce this. You give all rights to anyone, unless he or she claims the original copyrights on your code, or does not mention your efforts at all. And since he just copied complete files it should be ok. a different thing is the layout of your webpage, it's not allowed to copy it - but I guess that you'd prefer it the way it was.
Anyway, nice to hear that everything's solved.
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Post by jam »

or does not mention your efforts at all
The zlib License does not require this either, of course it is the nice thing to do.
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Post by Acki »

hybrid wrote:a different thing is the layout of your webpage, it's not allowed to copy it
Right, that was the point...
He not just hosted the app and the demos, but all web pages, too...
Well, the app and demos are preatty spreaded and my CustomBones are also avilable for "Patcher" - so I don't mind copying and spreading IrrExt, that's the reason I released it... ;)
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Post by drac_gd »

Hey Acki
Do you have a logo like Sprintz? I would like to put it in my demo along with Irrlicht and IrrSprintz :)
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Post by Acki »

Good hint !!! ;)
I just created a logo and hosted it on my site...
It's now also included to the setup, but for those who don't want to download the full setup just for getting the logo it's also for separate download avilable...
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Post by Acki »

I just recovered a bug with the 3ds-MeshFileLoader extension...
Well, it's not really a bug...
It seems the patch was already added to Irrlicht V1.0 so if you add the extension, the vertex coulors brightnes seems to double...
So I took this patch out of IrrExt !!!

Now you have 3 choices:
  • 1. download and install the full prog
    2. download and install the patch
    3. don't use the 3ds-meshFileLoader
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Post by KRYST4L »

This looks very nice, but when compiling my project after re-compiling irrlicht 1.0 with the updated version, all modifications, OPENGL, static, and devC++, I get this:

Code: Select all

  [Linker error] undefined reference to   [Linker error] undefined reference to `_imp___ZN3irr12createDeviceENS_5video13E_DRIVER_TYPEERKNS_4core11dimension2dIiEEjbbbPNS_14IEventReceiverEPKc'
Is this a function that got changed or something else?

The dynamic version yields a similar problem for me
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Post by hybrid »

You're using files that don't match anymore. You have to recompile your project from scratch with all updated includes and the new lib file. Otherwise positions inside the lib file are wrong and functions are not found.
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Post by Acki »

Uhhh, this sounds strange to me... ;)
I'm interested in this, too !!!

Is this an error caused by IrrExt, or did Kryst something wrong !?!?!
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Post by hybrid »

If you compiled your app before, then change the Irrlicht source, and compile everything again it might happen that your app is just linked hich would cause wrong access to the lib. Or you change the Irrlicht source, but don't use the new headers. There is often a difference in the headers, too, such that access to the lib will be wrong. Or you create a new lib, but use the old one for linking.
So many errors possible, but it's definitely an error of krys4l.
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Post by KRYST4L »

Here is what I did:
1. Made modifications to irrlicht source w/patch program
2. Opened modified Irrlicht source, recompiled with devc++
3. Copied headers/include files from base source directory and source/include to irrlicht/include folder
4. Copied files from source/DevCpp to irrlicht/Win32-gcc
5. Opened and compiled my project
6. Got same error as before

I get similar/the same errors with example proects, so is there something I didn't transfer here?
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Post by qBiN »

I compiled source irrlicht in dinamic lib(dll) and static lib (.a). Compiler-MinGW(standart for C::B)
I replace "include" files,add static lib into VC linker.
Compiled with 0 errors,but linker don't make exe.
Error 3 fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'Irrlicht.lib'
What I make wrong?
Sorry,in code was line:
#pragma comment(lib, "Irrlicht.lib")
I delete this,but I have error:

Code: Select all

Error	1	error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "class irr::IrrlichtDevice * __cdecl irr::createDevice(enum irr::video::E_DRIVER_TYPE,class irr::core::dimension2d<int> const &,unsigned int,bool,bool,bool,class irr::IEventReceiver *,char const *)" (?createDevice@irr@@YAPAVIrrlichtDevice@1@W4E_DRIVER_TYPE@video@1@ABV?$dimension2d@H@core@1@I_N22PAVIEventReceiver@1@PBD@Z) referenced in function "private: void __thiscall CGameManager::CreateDevice(void)" (?CreateDevice@CGameManager@@AAEXXZ)	GameManager.obj
Maybe VS don't understand *.a lib? Then how I can convert a->lib?
ps:I'm understand Russian language =)
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Post by Acki »

You're using both lib types (static and dynamic) ???
Then only one of these types should not be compiled, the other one should work, right?

Well, dynamic and static uses different "Irrlicht.h" files !!!
Just create the dynamic project and copy "Irrlicht.h" to your include folder.
Then create the static project, rename "Irrlicht.h" to something like "Irrlicht_static.h" and copy it to your include folder, too...
You don't have to recompile again !!! ;)
Just use the correct "Irrlicht.h" with the correct lib...
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