Ares 0.2 release

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Mancuso Raffaele
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Ares 0.2 release

Post by Mancuso Raffaele »

hi all
I released the version 0.2 of Ares (an FPS). You can download win32 binary from here
and all sources from here
What do you think about it?

Mancuso Raffaele ( )
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Post by needforhint »

cool, you made it open source.... gonna edit it right away :wink:
what is this thing...
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Post by needforhint »

when I chose new game or level editor, only the console appeared for a little piece of a second and goes away. Tried with all the drivers. Windows XP pro, ATI Radeon 9600, I have all drivers instaled on my pc...
what is this thing...
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Post by andrei25ni »

when I chose new game or level editor, only the console appeared for a little piece of a second and goes away. Tried with all the drivers.
Yeah, same here. It just doesn't start. And when I run the game .exe it says that the "configuration it's not ok. Reinstalling it may resolve the problem."

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Post by hybrid »

Runs ok for me. Played both levels and probably killed all "monsters" :D
Really fun to play, although one gets killed far too fast. But it's fun when you're used to it :wink: But the monsters should start to move with the next release...
Your code is really hardly useable, though. It does not compile with strange errors ('base class with non-standard constructors' or something like that) and seems to be more Basic-style than OOP and C++ :lol: And I don't speak Italian :P
My system specs: Notebook Centrino something with ATI 9700 and Windows XP. Game ran pretty fast.
Last edited by hybrid on Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Acki »

It works well for me !!!
It's preatty fast...
now it needs some AI, like steering behaviors (openSteer)...

Maybe it depends on the system ???
I'm using:
  • Celeron 2.66GH, 1GB RAM (yeah, I bought some more RAM :lol: )
    Win2K (sp4)
    GeForce FX 5200
    Screen resolution 1024x768
Last edited by Acki on Sun Jun 11, 2006 8:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
while(!asleep) sheep++;
try Stendhal a MORPG written in Java
Mancuso Raffaele
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Post by Mancuso Raffaele »

when I chose new game or level editor, only the console appeared for a little piece of a second and goes away. Tried with all the drivers.

Yeah, same here. It just doesn't start. And when I run the game .exe it says that the "configuration it's not ok. Reinstalling it may resolve the problem."
I think that depends on .NET framework installed. I compiled the source with vc++ 8, so when I install vc++ it also install .NET framework 2 and the program generated with this compile use it. I try to insert the file msvcrt.dll,msvcp80.dll and msvcr80.dll in the folder, but evidently it doesn't solve the prob. UNfortunately I can't unistall .net framework,otherwise vc++ doesn't start.
Runs ok for me.
can you tell me what version of .NET framework are you installed,please?
And when I run the game .exe it says that the "configuration it's not ok. Reinstalling it may resolve the problem."
does the message speak of a specific file? If yes, which?
But the monsters should start to move with the next release
Can you recommend me some good library?I remember that there was a A* pathfinding librery developed for irrlicht. Does someone know where to download it?
Your code is really hardly useable, though. It does not compile with strange errors ('base class with non-standard constructors' or something like that)
it gives these messages also to me

Thanks all for your answers,bye
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Post by Acki »

AStar is a pathfinding algorythm...
For moving, hunting, escaping, etc. OpenSteer is a cool lib !!!
On my 2nd web site I have an OpenSteer demo for download that I converted to use with MinGW (Code::Blocks / DevCpp)...

The lib itself can be found here:

Have a look at the demos, it's really cool !!! ;)
while(!asleep) sheep++;
try Stendhal a MORPG written in Java
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Post by nutpor »

You need to use Setup and Deployment of VS2005 to distibute your app.
I've faced this problem before, if you compile with vc++8 you have to create Setup and Deployment for the first time and for the next time, just copy new .exe into installed directory :wink: and it will be fine.

btw, app still can't run include this package: "vcredist_x86"
which in folder "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SDK\v2.0\BootStrapper\Packages\vcredist_x86" (change path to your installed directory)

Hope this help :D .
Mancuso Raffaele
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Post by Mancuso Raffaele »

I decide to recompile my game with vc++ 6 to avoid any problem, but i'm not sure that this solution solve the problem. You can download a pack for Ares 0.2 from here (144 kb). If Ares doesn't run in your computer, can you download this pack and tell me if Ares run, please?
AStar is a pathfinding algorythm...
For moving, hunting, escaping, etc. OpenSteer is a cool lib !!!
On my 2nd web site I have an OpenSteer demo for download that I converted to use with MinGW (Code::Blocks / DevCpp)...

The lib itself can be found here:
ok. i'll download them. Thanks
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Post by yourself »

jesus, please stop making installers, Just zip next time please... Or supply just a zipped version... Very annoying...
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Post by andrei25ni »

The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0150002).Click on OK to terminate the application.
Sorry m8, not working !
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Post by nutpor »

"This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling this application may fix this problem"
see this THREAD.
Mancuso Raffaele
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Post by Mancuso Raffaele »

You can download Ares 0.2a binary for win32 (compiled with vc++ 6) from here (4,15 mb). If you have Ares 0.2 and it doesn't run, please download this package (144 kb)
I ask excuse whoever has downloaded ares and it didn't run. Can you tell me if Ares 0.2a run on your computer, please? Thanks whoever will answer me
jesus, please stop making installers, Just zip next time please
I'm very sorry. The installer improve the dimension of the file and it makes to waste time, but I need to write into windows registry because when you double click on a .aresmi file, a program (install level.exe) must be call.
On my 2nd web site I have an OpenSteer demo for download
I download it and it is very cool. It shows how more objects pursue a single object. The objects, besides, can revolve the obstacles (boxes). And it is open source!! Thanks
Mancuso Raffaele
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Post by Mancuso Raffaele »

andrei25ni wrote: Sorry m8, not working !
I responded to your post in Ares forum. Bye :D
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