Moving a IGUIImage

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Moving a IGUIImage

Post by mR.haHN »

I´ve got a problem with moving a picture. I want to replace the cursor with an image. For that, I disabled the visibility of the cursor and added a IGUIImage.
But now, I have no idea how to move it with the cursor. Move() does an absolute moving, so I cant just say getCursorControl()->getPosition() and put that value in the move-brackets, because he will move it out of the screen. (You know what I mean :wink: ).
Well, there is also that setRelativePosition() thing for IGUIImages. But that works only with a rectangle value, and the position of the cursor is position2d....
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Post by Acki »

I think you should not use a IGUIImage...
Use draw2DImage instead:

Code: Select all

irr::video::IVideoDriver::draw2DImage(video::ITexture* texture, const core::position2d<s32>&  destPos)
while(!asleep) sheep++;
try Stendhal a MORPG written in Java
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