cpu speed independent movement

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Joined: Thu Feb 05, 2004 10:58 pm

cpu speed independent movement

Post by jugurdzija »

here is the problem:
i need to move object in a certain moment with basic equatations like s=a*(t*t)
time (t) is like (now-startTime)
now=driver->getTimer()->getTime() and so is startTime called before
but i have problem,on faster computer movement isnt the same like on slower ones,how to solve this?

startTime=driver->getTimer()->getTime() is called before

Post by Guest »

You'll need to write some code like this:

Code: Select all

long lasttick;

void MainLoop()
	Render();  // draw a frame

	if (driver->getTimer()->getTime() > lasttick + 10) {
		lasttick = driver->getTimer()->getTime();
Using this, the tick() function is called at 10 millisecond intervals, and providing that your code within tick() is executed in under 10ms then time will remain steady between CPU's.
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