I'm back to ask you some questions about IParticleSystemSceneNode.
I want to make a "selector viewer" to show to the user what's node is selected.
More simple : when I click on a fairie node, I want to draw a fire circle around her legs. How can i do that with the less memory needed.
Nowadays I do a circle manually by adding 10-20 IParticleSystemSceneNode(s)
Code: Select all
while (loop 360°)
scene::IParticleSystemSceneNode* ps = smgr->addParticleSystemSceneNode();
Secondly, how can I show / hide / delete / remove / drop all this IParticleSystemSceneNode ? The best I want is to show the fire circle if a fairie is selected, hide if nothing selected and moving it if an other fairie is selected.
I try drop() , remove() but... Segmentation Fault !!
When the irrlicht windows lost the focus, the animation is figed. When the focus come back, the circle of particules move upper than normally why ???
Here a screenshot to help the uderstand
Thanks !