PC on last breathe.

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PC on last breathe.

Post by Mikenoworth »

My computer has either horrible adware on it, or a horrible trojan. It seems to have no source and inserts html code into java when it is used. Well, I did a boot-up scan in avast! and it ffroze at some point, I was stuck with rebooting. Well, after reboot my 4 month old 80gig hd died. Yep. I took it out, something is loose inside the hd itself. It had everything on it, except vs.net and windows, lucky me. Well not so lucky me, I cleaned my monitor with a bottle spray that has bleach in it and my monitor now has an overwhelming faded magenta tint to it.

So now I have to either do soemthing drastic and get financed to buy a pc, or slowly peice a new one together, cuz Im done with this mohterboard, and case, and spazzy cd rom, but not my vid card, i love my vid card.

I need to sue avast! those bastards.
Stout Beer
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Post by Mikenoworth »

So I was a bit mad and frustrated, and of course it wasn't the bleach that ruined my monitor, but the cable hasd loose connections and a few wiggles later I found out I could get it back to "normal". But I am still down a monitor when I get to the day I've completely wiggled the loose connections out.
Stout Beer
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Post by geekworx »

Dude ... sounds like you had a bad day that day ... I hope everything is sorted now.

As for you loosing code (or maybe you didn't) ... I have a personal SVN server running on my one Linux PC (that gets backed-up to CD-Rom every weekend) that I check all my Dev work in.

I have been burnt by the Windows-PC crash many times ... now it will never happen again. :)

Anyway ... I hope you get your PC sorted.
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Post by cypher543 »

geekworx: Can I ask what the point of backing up your code to another computer in your home is? If I was going to backup my work to a SVN server, I would do it on a server hosted by a datacenter. I mean, the Linux computer has just as much chance of dying as the Windows computer. Why not just backup the code to the CD from your windows computer and eliminate the apparently uneeded step of uploading to your Linux box?

I really only ever care about the code for my current project. But I usually have a SourceForge project registered for it, so I just use their SVN servers.
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Post by Mikenoworth »

I didn't lose alot of things, that I can't just download again, like Newton DirectX 9 & Irrlicht SDKs. I actually keep all of my source on my master hd, thanks to vc.net defaults. (I even thought about moving it to the drive that died, but luckily I never did.)

But I did lose about $500 worth of games, about half of which I can't replace because of lost or stolen CDs.

I just bought a new 19inch gateway monitor for $4, and it works great. Now I just need an 80 gig 8mb buffer 10,000rpm hd for $4 and I'm good.

Thanks tho, it's nice to hear from people who've gone through the crisis themselves, instead of crying to brick walls. :)
Stout Beer
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