attaching clothing to mesh question

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attaching clothing to mesh question

Post by juliusctw »

this is definitely off the topic of irrlicht

i know that by using parenting we can attach weapons , but how are the clothings attached since the cloth needs to animate with the character, stretch and bend ???? anyone know? or even have a guess
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Location: Missouri, USA

Post by cypher543 »

This is usually just an animation, right? It would be incredibly system intensive to render a cloth and give it realistic physics. I'm no 3d modeller (or programmer, really) so correct me if I'm wrong.
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Post by buhatkj »

in a lot of games, they shape the character such that it appears to be wearing clothing all the time, and it's "clothes" are merely a different skin. NWN does this for example. Wow is an example where most clothing is just skins, but some adds solid attached meshes to parts of the character's body, like helms or pauldrons. also they will swap the character's feet for a different mesh to simulate them wearing a robe. much like in quake 3 the feet are actually a seperate mesh attached at the waist to the torso.
actually simulating real cloth, is done with physics, and is very expensive in terms of resources. advanced physics SDK's like havok and ageia(which CAN be used with irrlicht if you so choose...) will include this sort of functionality. i am not aware whether ODE of Newton would do this too. I don't think so...
in either case, you are best off swapping meshes or skins rather than try to actually simulate cloth
My irrlicht-based projects have gone underground for now, but if you want, check out my webcomic instead!
Posts: 392
Joined: Fri Apr 21, 2006 6:56 am

oh i get it

Post by juliusctw »

yeah, i get it now, i wasn't sure that the industry standard is , swapping mesh is definitely the way to go
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