Third Person Camera

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Joined: Mon Jun 19, 2006 5:57 pm

Third Person Camera

Post by scarecrow »

I tried to realize a simple program with a Mesh moving around in a Quake III Map. Camera was supposed to be third person. I tried it with the Parent Thing but I got quite strange results. The I tried to also reset the Cameras Position and Target To The moving Mesh. But the Camera moving doesn't move right the are pretty rough transitions.

Does someone have a hint to realize a 3rd person camera?

And Does someone know a good UV-Mapping Tutorial for Blender?

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Location: Italy - Friuli - Monfalcone - Staranzano

Post by cadue »

search in this forum "third person camera", the problem is already solved
excuse me for my bad english and for my ignorance...but I'm 14 and i come from Italy, where the study of english is a optional (-:
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Post by juliusctw »

you can just use my third person camera , its really easy to use

this tutorial is great for uv mapping
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Joined: Sat Oct 07, 2006 8:00 pm
Location: CA. USA

Post by CodeDog »

Your camera doesn't work with the latest version of the irlicht SVN.
The compiler complains about trying to instantiate an abstract class.
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