Tutorial: Exporting from Blender to Irrlicht

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Tutorial: Exporting from Blender to Irrlicht

Post by Frazz1080 »

Hello. I do not use Irrlicht anymore (i haven't for months), I've switched to Panda 3D instead, but I thought I would make a tutorial on how to successfully export from Blender 2.41 to Irrlicht to save beginners tons of pain and agony.

1) Check to see you have Python 2.4 running on your machine. Then download the DX exporter from this link:

2) Create your character, but make sure that nothing at all has any dots in the name, like Materials or in the Armature. Also note: Have 1 material total, and have the UV texture in that material.
Ex: MAT.001->MAT01 Clavicle.R->ClavicleR

3) Skin the character. Put all weights at 1.0. Use old-fashioned Parenting, no Modifiers for this. Keep all Bones in their own vertex groups, even if they don't move a part of the mesh structure.

4) Open the Exporter from Python in a separate window, keeping a good view of the player. You must have everything visible in order for this to work. Now click the Buttons 'Anim', 'Flip Z', 'Speed=25', and 'Export All'.

5) Check out the animations in the meshviewer; I use MView.

Hope this tutorial helps.
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Post by fireside »

So Irrlicht doesn't handle weighted bones?
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Post by Coty »

Good question. I too would like to know the answer. Perhaps it is the python script? What is the reason for the bone weights set to 1.0 before exporting from Blender?
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Post by vermeer »

Export weights do work.

http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/phpBB2/ ... c&start=15

there I uploaded a wom with full and partial weights, and I have exported weights with blender x exporters, both from Jox and Ben, since 2002 with first Blender 2.28c Blender version which I grabbed after many years where I didn't touch blender.... They've allways worked.

But weights involve extra problems. Specially vertex weight paint, or non welded vertices. they can give strong issues. Probably what he detected is , elminating the partial weights, or not using vertex painting weights painting (i dont use em in blender, I only weight at every package with lasso selecting and a siging a weight...) the problems in export dissappear...

But to all of you, yep, it exports all. What it does not export yet well is the ipo curves unless you bake all frames, but unsure of that in latest ben's versions...

ouch, that file is not up any more...
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Post by afecelis »

Hi Vermeer!

I was asking for that same file in another thread. Thanks for link us to it, but...
"File ID is not valid"

is reported. :( If you want you can email me a copy and I'll mirror it on gdlib. :wink:
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Post by vermeer »

oh, yep...the worm file...been there for way more than 30 days..and undownloaded...so, it gets automatically deleted...

I'll pass it to u, but the keyframes were added wrong, I didnt bake before starting to animte...and dont find the one in which I did...

anyway, I'll send u later what I can have around...
Finally making games again!
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