A few animation questions

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Posts: 71
Joined: Tue Jul 11, 2006 8:54 pm

A few animation questions

Post by CameroKid »

Is there a way to animate certain joints with one animation, and other joints with others. I want my character to move his legs freely (from the waist down), but swing his weapon when I click my mouse (waist up). If this is possible will the faces bend to stay together. I could always split him into two objects but you will see a split when the animations dont match. Any suggestions

Also can I attach multipul animation files on the same character. I don't like to have more than 300 frames per file to keep it simple, but I can put then all in file if neccesary.

Finnaly I use Milkshape 3d, but what do you think is the best file type to handle animations.

Posts: 31
Joined: Fri Apr 21, 2006 12:00 am
Location: Australia

Post by Gatekeeper »

Cal3d does blended animations. Klasker wrote a scene node for it.

Each animation is stored in a seperate file, and if you select the bones you want in the animation before exporting them you can then blend two completely seperate animations together.

I'm planning on using this (but haven't gotten quite that far yet) for a little project of mine. Basically, I have men that can hold about 15 different weapons (requiring different poses), and I don't want to make a walking animation for each one. What you do is make one animation for walking, and then another animation for swinging a piece of corn and in the game you can selectively blend them together.
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