Will irrlicht support XNA?

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Will irrlicht support XNA?

Post by exal »

Just currious of if it's going to support the XNA platform for Windows and Xbox 360.

I really hope this amazing engine will have that support. I realise this will be a problem with managed code etc. since there is linux support in the engine.

Does anyone have some input for this? I would guess it would be a very appreciated addition.

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Post by Braneloc »

It's going to be hard, there are a lot of things with XNA that are not entirely compatable with Irrlicht's design, so I'd say it was unlikely any time soon due to the unmanaged nature of the original design.

However, members of the Irrlicht# team have already been accepted onto the beta of XNA and are just itching to see what the future holds..
Sometimes you've just gotta say, the laws of time and space, who gives a smeg ?!

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Post by GueZt_Coders »

The dot net are here to stay, and it's community
are rapidly growing and growing, i'm learning
c# for a couple weeks now and it's great.
you can even write multiplayer code within
day or too.

What i like about irrlicht.net by niko, it
gives me a very nice framerate performance under
c#. unlike other c# 3d game engine using dx managed
code i've seen so far, it's very slow.

"Hopefully and I beleive XNA will not be that hard
to use in irrlicht.net, because it's already been
use by Mech Commander II and its written in
native C++ code."

I think XNA will be just a new add on REFERENCE
for dot not who wants to use its capabilities.

Glad to here from niko, that he is planning to
invest more time in irrlicht.net.
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Post by exal »

ah that's great news. A bit worrying that the code base will be different which means that it will be a pain to get a new irrlicht release over to C#. But a well running port of 1.1 should be more than well to run. Now with XNA coming I guess more and more will be diverted to C#.

I have also tried the DX managed code examples and they run very quick.