Another 3DS loader bug in 1.1

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Another 3DS loader bug in 1.1

Post by Phxx »

Hi all,
I think I discovered a bug in the 3DS loader in irrlicht 1.1.
Let me explain.

If you have your object nicely centered in 3DS max (0,0,0)
then there is no problem, but if you move it a bit along the Y axis
so your model is not centered but at (0,-20,0)
then instead of moving the model the the left, it is moved up when loaded in irrlicht!
I tested it with every axis and only the Y axis movement is messed up.

I hope this will be fixed soon!

Thanks in advance
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Post by hybrid »

Irrlicht's y axis points upwards, and 3ds does not specify the orientation of the axes. But being an industry standard basically defined through one application we might consider taking that coordinate system into account. So if enough people can confirm this orientation (and moreover no one knows of a tool exporting 3ds differently) we could change this. Shouldn't there also be other artifacts caused by this?! Some misplaced object or something? Maybe it's just the offset which is calculated wrongly?
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Joined: Sun Oct 10, 2004 7:37 am

Post by rnhdk »

Actually I downloaded the 0.3 version of IrrEdit pretty fast after it was released along with irrlicht 1.1. The supplied irrlicht.dll was not the same version as compilede official release of irrlicht. But the irredit was able to load my 3ds without any problems.

But IrrEdit 0.3 in the mean time has been updated with correct (not well) dll for loading 3ds.

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