We all are interested vermeer. Thanks a lot .
Although, I share your opinion and prefer wings more for my amateur-ist modelling, so some video tuts for wings from a master like yourself would be even more great .
Plenty of bandwidth Vermeer, unless there are 1000s of download a month, we'll be ok. I'll keep an eye on bandiwdth.
Actually, I just checked, and they upped it even more. I get 1 Terrabyte of bandwidth per month, not bad for $20/month. Also get 60GB of disk space and TON of other features. So yeah, unless more than 10,000 full 100 MBs are downloaded each month, we'll be ok, prolly room for more even
Just finished checking some of them and I can only say: WOW! hats off to you, Vermeer! We all missed your voice, but everything is so graphic that frames speak for themselves
Let me know if you could check on the 0 kb file (extrude.zip) otherwise I'll start uploading the mirror tonight.
once again, superb job. And the "Tutorial Time Dedication" award goes to...... (fanfarre): Vermeer!
one of th emost important thing is save the post where I did put the video files, cause there i wrote all the main key shortcuts without using em...meta is freaking slower...
At least: v (move) , b(magnet, twice for set radius) , w (wire, hit more times so u cycle over different wire functions(which are actually usually low pol modelling works...turn edge...)) , F1, F2, F3, and shift with those, give u the views front, left...how ever u configured it...ctrl f fits selected stuff -or all if nothing selected- in mid of screen...e extrude(go tapping to get bevel or "normal" direction), q and c scale and rotate, cant remember which now... ctrl+j welds to one all selected vertices...rmb over a near dot, while u move-frag one u have grabbed...will weld both I think in the position of the one where u rmb.
And that best navigation controls are rmb rotate world, mid button for pan, wheel for zoom,...set " around selected part," overtake 360º or something like that (checked...) well, and all which i said there...I said much more.
Is as important or more than the videos, at least when u wanna be real confortable...
Happy to see more people using Meta. Its a great software to me ( a lazy modeler ). Its fast to learn the basics and start modeling boxes. I love the way camera turns around with right mouse button. I alwais use a single view, switching with F1, F2...
vemeer you are brilliant i have been trying to work with meta and seen your tutorial and wow i am now able to start making my first 3d model i have blueprint of a gundam and i am working of that the idea is to make a card model with it and your tutorials are very helpfull and have helped enormusly.
ps i may need to ask questions soon. being a newbie at 3d stuff.
thank you again and keep giving us these outstanding tuts.