Regarding movement of bird /Related to tutorial 9

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Regarding movement of bird /Related to tutorial 9

Post by hkolli »

hi all ,

In tutorial 9 i have loaded my bird mesh instead of the solider with the following edition in loadmodel() function
void loadModel(const c8* fn)

if (Model)

Model = 0;

scene::IAnimatedMesh* m = Device->getSceneManager()->getMesh("../../media/bird.x");
// set default material properties
Model = Device->getSceneManager()->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(m);
Model->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, false);



Is there a way that i can make this static .X mesh bird move .

please let me know :(

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Post by monkeycracks »

Do you mean move in a circle, straight, or just animated?
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Post by hkolli »

i want to move it in a circle ........
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Post by vitek »

Look in the documentation for createFlyCircleAnimator.
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Post by hkolli »

IS there a way i can introduce another bird ?...... is there another way in which i can move the bird according to certain rules ....... like not allow any two birds moving colliding ?......
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Post by Acki »

For example you can use Open Steer !!!
Have a look at the flies-demo at the bottom of this site:
while(!asleep) sheep++;
try Stendhal a MORPG written in Java
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Post by hkolli »

acki ,

i downloaded the codes in the link to carry my work on the example u gave . but while executing the code it breaks . why does this happens . when i click on break it points to setMaterialFlag function in irrScenenode ?????
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